<p>Year 2 children add two 2 digit numbers (not crossing the tens barrier) using place value apparatus. They draw the apparatus to show what they did and record the answer.</p>
<p>Year 1. Children choose 2 objects and compare their weights using balance scales ~ heavier, lighter than. The worksheet can be edited to include objects from your classroom.</p>
<p>Year 1. Children use balance scales and cubes to measure the weight of objects in the classroom. They predict and record how many cubes will balance the objects first. The sheet can be edited to include objects from your classroom.</p>
<p>Year 2 NC POS: recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems<br />
Worksheet 1 ~ numbers to 10 Worksheet 2 ~ numbers to 20 Worksheet 3 ~ numbers to 100</p>
<p>Worksheet 1 Children add multiples of 10 by counting on in 10s. They represent this by drawing “tens jumps” on a blank number line. Worksheet 2 Children on to adding e.g. 21 by drawng two tens jumps and 1 jump of 1</p>
<p>Children add 3 single digit numbers looking for pairs that make 10, doubles, near doubles and known number bonds to help them. The questions are presented in a variety of ways.</p>
<p>Children select from containers available in the classroom e.g. a cup and then choose a non standard unit e.g. a spoon to fill the container with. They estimate how many they think will be needed before measuring</p>
<p>Year 1. 3 differentiated worksheets. Less able ~ number words to 10. Middle ~ number words to 20. More able ~ Number words to 100. Children also make the numbers using e.g. tens and ones apparatus, counters and place value cards. The worksheets are editable so that you can use the apparatus you have available in your classroom</p>
<p>Year 1. 2 worksheets. Worksheet 1 ~Children use counters to see e.g. how many groups of 3 they can make with 6 counters. Worksheet 2 ~ Challenge e.g. How many different ways can you group 12 counters?</p>
<p>Year 1 pupils can work out missing numbers in addition using a pictorial representation i.e. a number-line. Initially they do not need to cross over 10 e.g. 14 + ? = 17. Then they move on to crossing over 10 e.g. 7 + ? = 15</p>
<p>Year 1 children group objects equally e.g. 12 counters. How many groups of 2 can you make? They group in 2s,3s,5s and 10s.<br />
The second worksheet challenges the children to group objects in different ways e.g. 12 counters. Can you group them in different ways?</p>
<p>3 worksheets, Children count groups of 2p coins, 5p coins and 10p coins. Easier ~ counting in 2s and 10s. Middle ~ counting in 2s 5s and 10s with support. Harder ~ counting in 2s, 5s and 10s without support</p>
<p>Worksheet 1 ~ find one line of symmetry<br />
Worksheet 2 ~ find more than one line of symmetry<br />
Worksheet 3 ~ drawing own symmetrical shapes</p>
<p>Year 1. Children work out which square the pirate’s treasure chest etc are hidden in by counting the squares on a hundred grid.<br />
2 worksheets. Easier ~ the squares 10, 20, 30 etc are labelled and the children count on from these numbers. Harder ~ the squares 9, 19, 29 etc are labelled and the children count on from these numbers</p>
<p>Children begin by adding a 3 digit number and a 2 digit number using place value apparatus, They move on to column addition and then adding mentally and recording in a part whole model.</p>
<p>Year 1. Children use counters and tens frames to see e.g.how many groups of 2 they can make using 6 counters.<br />
2 worksheets. Easier ~ children group in 2s Harder ~ children group in 2s 5s and 10s</p>