A powerpoint with questions about the time of flight mass spectrometer that links to the information that AQA produced for the new AS / A2 specification.
Blank mind maps to fill in with the students to help them revise for C1 to C6 Chemistry - 21st century science. Can be used for Chemistry, Core and Additional science.
A list of key topic areas for students to identify that they are weaker with along with suggestions of activities that they carry out as well as links to websites that they might like to use.
Information as well as paper copy of the practical endorsement tracker for AS Chemistry. This can probably be used for other Chemistry / Science AS / A2 courses as a starting point.
Differentiated worksheets for students to use to develop their understanding of ionisation enthalpy as well as a powerpoint to use in a lesson with the worksheets.
This is a resource that I put together to share with the year 9 students about the C1 unit (Air and Water) that they will be examined on in their Year 9 end of year examination. It is for the new GCSE course for 21st century science - Chemistry.
<p>Decide if the statement is true or false.<br />
Cut out the pieces and then place them at the correct time depending upon if the statement is true or false.<br />
This is about ion detection for GCSE chemistry though could be used as a recap for KS5 pupils.</p>
A table matching up the new specification for 21st century science chemistry with the old specification as well as information as to where past paper questions can be found.