Videos: Opinions on assisted dying/suicideQuick View

Videos: Opinions on assisted dying/suicide

In this video, co-founder Ann McPherson (who died from Pancreatic Cancer in 2011) shares her opinion on 'assisted dying'. The links take you to more interviews with people who are terminally ill or have a relative who is terminally ill. They discuss their opinions on assisted dying/assisted suicide/ euthanasia. Please give us your feedback by commenting below. Thanks.
Videos: Role of religion in use of Drugs & AlcoholQuick View

Videos: Role of religion in use of Drugs & Alcohol

In this video, Jen discuss the role of her/her families' religious beliefs in her decisions about using drugs and alcohol. Follow the links for more videos like this. All interviews are by Oxford University Researchers. Please let us know if these resources are useful to you and the young people you teach by commenting below. Keywords: Drugs, Alcohol, Islam, Christianity
Health and Weight KS3 and KS4Quick View

Health and Weight KS3 and KS4

This is a lesson plan about Health and Weight that uses resources from the websites Youthhealthtalk and Teenage health freak. Follow the link to find the 4 videos referred to in this lesson plan.
Video Drugs QuizQuick View

Video Drugs Quiz

Four young people talk about their experiences of taking different illegal drugs. Students need to work out which drugs they are talking about. The answers are given beneath the video (click 'see more&'). These clips were taken from the drugs and alcohol section on the website. Answers: 1) Chloe: Ecstasy 2) Jim: Heroin 3) Leah: Cocaine 4) Sam: Acid
Videos: Teenagers experiences of Weight problemsQuick View

Videos: Teenagers experiences of Weight problems

This section of the Youthhealthtalk website contains short video clips (2-4 minutes) of young people discussing their experiences of being overweight and eating disorders. Great for bringing the subject to life in class. All interviews are conducted by Oxford University Researchers. Please let us know what you think of these clips and whether they were useful to you and the young people you teach, by commenting below. Keywords: Dieting, obesity, overweight, eating disorders, binge-eating