3D PrintingQuick View

3D Printing

An overview of the main forms and types of 3D printing. Key talking points with the students. Bespoke/ impossible components. The democratisation for product design. What if you have a "box" that could make you anything? What would that mean (nano factory is under development)
Woods MaterialsQuick View

Woods Materials

Outlines the three main material groups. Softwood, Hardwood and Manufactured Boards. Also includes wider considerations.
Metals MaterialsQuick View

Metals Materials

Outlines the 3 main material groups, ferrous, non ferrous and alloys. Also includes wider considerations.
Plastic materialsQuick View

Plastic materials

Outlines the three main types of Polymer. Thermo, Thermosetting and elastomer. Includes wider considerations
Structures, Bridges and BiomimicryQuick View

Structures, Bridges and Biomimicry

An overview of Structures, Bridge and reference to Biomimicry. Includes the different types of structures, forces, the use of reinforcement. Also includes details on bridges, the different types, materials and methods of construction. Gives examples from history, the BC use of the lintel, the AD Roman arch and the medieval cathedral. Includes examples of modern bridges, both static and moving.
Metals processingQuick View

Metals processing

Outlines the 3 main ways to process metals. Fabrication, wastage and reforming. Includes wider considerations.
Mechanisms, an overviewQuick View

Mechanisms, an overview

Provides students with an overview of mechanisms. Covers the uses, different forces and mechanisms types. Including Cams, Cranks, levers, linkages, bearings, springs, gears and pulleys. Finishes with summary the tail of the Antikythera mechanism.
Plastics processingQuick View

Plastics processing

Outlines the three main ways to process polymers. Wastage, fabrication, reforming (hot and molten). Also includes wider issues.
20th Century Design movements, an overviewQuick View

20th Century Design movements, an overview

An overview of major 20th Century Design movements. Designed to give the students and understanding of the key "features" of some of these movements with a wide number of examples given. Summary for the examination to remember ,Art Deco= strong geometric shapes and forms. Art Nouveau = Floral patterns. Also includes "Braun vs Apple" to simulate debate amongst the Apple product obsessed!
Creativity and SustainabilityQuick View

Creativity and Sustainability

Outlines the need for a more sustainable future. Encourages the pupils to think of solutions to some of the major problems with various pictures and image metaphors. Consider the points raised in the link regarding abundance; abundant energy (solar/ geothermal) = abundant water (desalination)= Abundant food (solar powered vertical farms) = ? Remaining slides are possible ways to become more creative.
Wider Issues within Design TechnologyQuick View

Wider Issues within Design Technology

Designed to frame discussion on some of the global issues faced within Design Technology. Slides define, moral, social and environmental issues, with images used to provoke debate/ discussion. Could be used in conjunction with "Is abundance the Key". Also highlights defines industrial issues, globalisation, legal issues, sustainability and gives some answers to the question "why should we care".
Quality systems, SPC, QC, QA,Quick View

Quality systems, SPC, QC, QA,

An overview of the use of quality systems within an organisation. Details how SPC (Statisical Process Control) informs QC (Quality Control). These QC records are "stored" to give QA (Quality Assurance) and ultimately traceability. Also touches on the different standards, including the lion mark, material testing, TQM and "Kaizen"
Designing, an overviewQuick View

Designing, an overview

Resource is designed to outline a number of key points within the design world. Including, what designers do, the different design processes, "Pugh's" plate, Dieter Rams 10 design principles, Braun vs Apple, Design influences, Marketing mix, forming ideas and intellectual property rights.
Printing processes overviewQuick View

Printing processes overview

Covers the main forms of printing the students are expected to be aware of (including digital printing and the almost de funked process in this country, Gravure). Also includes materials, quality control methods and finishing techniques.
Production meansQuick View

Production means

Outlines some of the ways products can be produced. Mass, batch, job, continuous and product centred. Includes wider considerations.
Resistant Materials and Product Design theroy overviewQuick View

Resistant Materials and Product Design theroy overview

Overview document developed to cover the key topic and concepts for Resistant Materials and Product Design GCSE. Can also be used as a foundation for A Level. The 16 pages includes an overview of materials, processes, manufacturing, mechanisms, wider issues, through to product life cycle and 20 th Century design movements. Students are encouraged to supplement the information with their own diagrams and further details. Can be used as a revision guide or course beginning resource.
Braun vs Apple, a design historyQuick View

Braun vs Apple, a design history

Designed to provoke discussion amongst the Apple obsessed. Outlines the work of Dieter Rams (Braun) and his 10 principles of design in the late 50's. Compares some of his work and the Apple range of product. Students can discuss that with a very "zen" (or uncluttered) approach to design are things bond to look the same, could consider the work of Sir Norman Foster as well. Slides also consider Apple vs Samsung and the court case regarding design similarity.
Architecture, the Brits who built the modern worldQuick View

Architecture, the Brits who built the modern world

Inspired by the BBC television series of the same title (available on Youtube). This power point outlines the work of Michael Hopkins, Nicholas Grimshaw, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Terry Farrell. Gives an brief outline of their careers and their work and some of the innovations behind their designs.