Brownfield V Greenfield SitesQuick View

Brownfield V Greenfield Sites

<p>A lesson for KS4 based on the advantages of both Greenfield and Brownfield Sites. Starts with defining key terms already built on and ones pupils will be learning this lesson and ends with an application question to check learning</p>
Opportunites and Challenges in MumbaiQuick View

Opportunites and Challenges in Mumbai

<p>A double lesson on the challenges and opportunities faced by people in Mumbai. Builds up to an exam style question at the end with a structure strip for those pupils that need additional support. Designed for a low set class but can be adapted for higher abilities. Follows AQA spec 1-9 grades</p>
Energy SoW for KS3Quick View

Energy SoW for KS3

<p>Full SoW for KS3 on Energy. A collection of 5 lessons with an assessment complete with mark scheme at the end.</p>
Diseases and how they spreadQuick View

Diseases and how they spread

<p>A lesson based on the spread of communicable and uncommunicable diseases. Where they can be found and how they can be spread between people. Based on a topic called ‘Uncertain futures’ this lesson gets pupils to think about the difference actions in HICs and LICS</p>
Demographic Transition ModelQuick View

Demographic Transition Model

<p>A lesson introducing the DTM. Two activities with information slide to help pupils. Also a small 4 mark question at the end and a quiz in the middle. Two worksheets included</p>
Cold Environments SoWQuick View

Cold Environments SoW

<p>A whole SoW for Cold Environemnts. Case Study used is Svalbard. Worksheets included as well as hyperlinks to videos and websites</p>
Changing UK EconomyQuick View

Changing UK Economy

<p>Full SoW following AQA Geography unit Changing UK Economy.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Intorduction<br /> Lesson 2 - Post Industrial Economy<br /> Lesson 3 - Science Parks<br /> Lesson 4 - North / South Divide<br /> Lesson 5 - Infrastructure and Transport<br /> Lesson 6 - Changing Rural Landscapes<br /> Lesson 7 - Environmental Ipmpacts<br /> Lesson 8 - UK In The Wider World</p>
GeoskillsQuick View


<p>A collection of lessons on essential skills such as grid references and map symbols</p>
GeoSkillsQuick View


<p>A unit of work that introduces pupils to essential skills such as grid references and map symbols</p>
Asia SoWQuick View

Asia SoW

<p>A SoW on Asia. 12 Lessons including all resources and revision</p>
Coasts SoWQuick View

Coasts SoW

<p>An entire SoW on Coasts using the AQA Spec<br /> 1 - Upland and Lowland Areas of UK<br /> 2 - Waves<br /> 3 - Weathering<br /> 4 - Mass Movement<br /> 5 - Coastal Erosion<br /> 6 - LSD<br /> 7 - Headlands &amp; Bays<br /> 8 - Wave Cut Platforms<br /> 9 - Spits and Bars<br /> 10 - Sand Dunes<br /> 11 - Hard &amp; Soft Engineering</p> <p>All worksheets and hyperlinks to videos included</p>
GeoskillsQuick View


<p>A collection of lessons covering essential skills such as grid references and may symbols</p>