Polymers and their uses (C1.5.2-3)Quick View

Polymers and their uses (C1.5.2-3)

A differentiated PP on Polymers (what they are and how to draw them) and their USES. The first presentation is a two in one Power Point. You can split it into two which is what I have done for the second PP. Note: Credit for just the MICKEY MOUSE SLIDES in the first PP goes to KIRSTYBOTHAM as they are hers and not mine. Hope it helps!


This is a digestive system display that I have put together. <br /> Print the poster over three A3 sheets and in colour and it will be large enough for an averge sized display board. The lables are colour coded to the organs (or at least I have tried with the colours on Word) so the kids know where to look on the pic to match the labels up. Alternatively, you could pin a piece of string from the labels to the organ to make it clearer (also makes it look better in my opinion). <br /> <br /> The image at the end was found elsewhere but I did create the labels therefore there may be some errors. As always positive criticism and tips are always welcome. Free - to keep TES the way it USED TO BE!!!
Weathering pack; types and effectsQuick View

Weathering pack; types and effects

Contains everything you need for a lesson on weathering including 3-4 quick and engaging practicals. I used this for a year 7 mixed ability class for my interview lesson and it scored very high. It can also be used for a year 8 class too. Worksheet has been differentiated to meet different abilities in terms of questioning. Hope it helps!!
AQA BIO 2018 Paper 1 revision listQuick View

AQA BIO 2018 Paper 1 revision list

A revision list comprising of all the lessons for PAPER 1 of the new AQA scheme. The document highlights the required practicals and also highlights those lessons that are specific for higher tier (both Trilogy and Synergy). Before I hand these out to my students I always remind them that this is not everything they need to know but a scaffold for their revision and that they must read around it. As always positive criticism is always welcome. Any errors - please tell me. Many thanks in advance.
AQA Infection and response revision list.Quick View

AQA Infection and response revision list.

Contains a description of the main points needed for each lesson to help guide revision. It also tells you which lessons are needed for those taking Synergy exams, as well as higher tier, for AQA.
Measuring current in a parallel circuitQuick View

Measuring current in a parallel circuit

Measuring current in a parallel circuit at different points to show how the current is split between different components. Using it for my Year 7's and 8's. To be accompanied by circuit building equipment.<br /> Please leave feedback and message me if there are any errors or any improvements that can be made.<br /> Kind regards.