SEND Identification Referral Pathway
<p>This resource enables school staff and SENDCO to provide a clear process of identifying SEND.</p>
<p>This pathway can be shared with school staff, parents and Ofsted to show how SEND is supported.</p>
<p>Early identification of SEND can help pupils thrive by removing barriers.</p>
<p>Identified characteristics of pupils who may have SEND include:</p>
<li>Having more difficulty learning than others of the same age</li>
<li>Having a disability that prevents them from using educational facilities</li>
<li>Not making progress without support.</li>
<p>The identification process demonstrates a clear flowchart of the referal process and the support provided. There are 4 stages in the pathway:</p>
<li>Stage 1: Potential area of need is identified by teacher, TA, parent or outside agency.</li>
<li>Stage 2: SENDCO Involvement</li>
<li>Stage 3: SEND Register and Support Plan</li>
<li>Stage 4: SSPP/ EHCP</li>