StanislavskiQuick View


<p>Yr8 Drama class exploration of Stanislavski and his Naturalistic Theatre Style. This topic really focuses on character development and full belief in your actions, giving students an introduction to method acting with various examples/exercises. This is a FULL Scheme of Work which includes all of the following -</p> <p>6 x 1hr lessons based around various techniques and elements linked to Naturalism<br /> Feedback and Assessment Pages Provided<br /> Video Clips Provided<br /> Cover Lesson Provided<br /> Homework Task Provided<br /> Classroom/Alternative Work Provided<br /> Fonts used within the PowerPoint (will need to install)<br /> Some teacher notes within PowerPoint for delivery of exercises</p>
Physical Theatre Scheme of WorkQuick View

Physical Theatre Scheme of Work

<p>Yr9 Drama class exploration of the general Phyiscal Theatre Style. This is designed to be a basic introduction for Yr9/KS3 before more specific exploration at GCSE. The topic is focused on encouraging students to explore various techniques and approaches to Physical Theatre, and all of the elements that make up this style. This is a FULL Scheme of Work which includes all of the following -</p> <p>7 x 1hr lessons based around various techniques and elements invovled in Physical Theatre.<br /> Feedback and Assessment Pages Provided<br /> Video Clips Provided<br /> Cover Lessons Provided<br /> Homework Task Provided<br /> Sound Clips Provided<br /> Classroom/Alternative Work Provided</p>
Inside Out Scheme of WorkQuick View

Inside Out Scheme of Work

<p>Drama &amp; PSHCE Focus on the 5 Core Emotions and using role-play and scripted work as a tool to explore these. Lessons based around video clips of the film and introduction to script work. This is a FULL Scheme of Work complete with the following resources -</p> <ul> <li>6 x 1hr lessons which could easily be expanded over further lessons with extra rehearsal/preparation time</li> <li>Video Clips Provided</li> <li>Cover Work Provided</li> <li>Alternative/Classroom Work Provided</li> <li>Homework Task Provided</li> <li>Scripts Provided</li> <li>Assessment Pages Provided</li> </ul>
Yr7 Introduction to DramaQuick View

Yr7 Introduction to Drama

<p>This is a really helpful introductory Scheme of Work for Year 7 Drama. The SoW covers a number of key conventions/techniques. Details are -</p> <ul> <li>6 x 1hr lessons covering Still Image, Mime, Narration, Improvisation, Thought Track and Slow Motion</li> <li>Benchmark Assessment</li> <li>Video Clips Provided</li> <li>Cover Work Provided</li> <li>Alternative/Classroom Work Provided</li> <li>Assessment Pages Provided</li> </ul>
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Scheme of WorkQuick View

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Scheme of Work

<p>This Scheme of Work is designed around introducing students to various Theatre Styles with the theme of a well known play. This is a FULL Scheme of Work and includes all of the following -</p> <ul> <li>4 x 1hr lessons based around Context, Naturalism, Abstract, and Physical Theare. Some of which can easily be expanded over 2 lessons to make the topic longer.</li> <li>Feedback Pages Provided</li> <li>Video Clips Provided</li> <li>Cover Lesson Provided</li> <li>Homework Task Provided</li> <li>Classroom/Alternative Work Provided</li> </ul>
Darkwood Manor Scheme of WorkQuick View

Darkwood Manor Scheme of Work

<p>Thematic Scheme of Work around haunted house and narrative building. Introduction to creating atmosphere and abstract style Drama. Explorative strategies and development of skills required for different techniques. This is a FULL Scheme of Work complete with the following resources -</p> <ul> <li>5 x 1hr lessons</li> <li>Images/Resources</li> <li>Cover Work Provided</li> <li>Alternative/Classroom Work Provided</li> <li>Homework Task Provided</li> <li>Assessment Pages Provided</li> </ul>
Charlie Dimone Scheme of WorkQuick View

Charlie Dimone Scheme of Work

<p>Yr8 Scheme of Work based around a Murder Investigation. This unit is adapted from the poem “Ballad of Charlotte Dymond” for a modern setting, as I found this further engaged students. This could be used and adapted for a number of year groups. This is a FULL Scheme of Work which includes -</p> <p>5 x 1hr lessons based around Hot Seating, Flashback, Role-Play, Thought Tracks and other investigation techniques. Some of these tasks could be extended over 2 lessons if needed to extend the topic further.</p> <ul> <li>Feedback &amp; Assessment Pages Provided</li> <li>Cover Lesson Provided</li> <li>Homework Tasks Provided</li> <li>Classroom/Alternative Lesson Provided</li> </ul>
Exploring PressureQuick View

Exploring Pressure

<p>Drama &amp; PSHCE Focus on the concept of Pressure and using role-play as a tool to explore this. The lessons focus on the DIFFERENT types of pressure that young people can experience, not just from their peers. This is a FULL Scheme of Work complete with the following resources -</p> <p>5 x 1hr lessons which could easily be expanded over further lessons with extra rehearsal/preparation time<br /> Video Clips Provided<br /> Cover Work Provided<br /> Alternative/Classroom Work Provided<br /> Homework Task Provided<br /> Assessment Pages Provided<br /> Fonts used on PowerPoint (need to be installed)</p>
Joy Riding/The Crash Scheme of WorkQuick View

Joy Riding/The Crash Scheme of Work

<p>Yr9 Drama class exploration of dangerous driving and the effect on people’s lives of certain events. Based around BBC’s ‘The Crash’ focusing on using theatre to educate and raise awareness. GCSE focus on structure of narrative and character development. This is a FULL Scheme of Work which includes all of the following -</p> <ul> <li>9 x 1hr lessons based around Video Clips from BBC’s ‘The Crash’ - using a variety of GCSE techniques/conventions</li> <li>Feedback and Assessment Pages Provided</li> <li>Video Clips Provided</li> <li>Cover Lesson Provided</li> <li>Homework Task Provided</li> <li>Sound Clips Provided</li> <li>Classroom/Alternative Work Provided</li> </ul>
Brecht Scheme of WorkQuick View

Brecht Scheme of Work

<p>Yr9 Drama class exploration of Bertolt Brecht and his Epic Theatre Style. The topic is focused on encouraging students to find their voice and justify their opinions through role play and theatre. This is a FULL Scheme of Work which includes all of the following -</p> <p>7 x 1hr lessons based around various techniques and elements linked to Brecht’s theatre approach<br /> Feedback and Assessment Pages Provided<br /> Video Clips Provided<br /> Cover Lesson Provided<br /> Homework Task Provided<br /> Sound Clips Provided<br /> Classroom/Alternative Work Provided</p>
Mask & Mime Scheme of WorkQuick View

Mask & Mime Scheme of Work

<p>Yr8 Scheme of Work based around Mime and Movement Skills. This could be used and adapted for a number of year groups. The last few lessons of this Scheme of Work are based around Trestle Masks but again this can easily be adapted around any masks. This is a FULL Scheme of Work which includes -</p> <p>6 x 1hr lessons based around Mime, Movement, Marking the Moment, Status, Masks, Archetype Characters and Narration.</p> <ul> <li>Feedback &amp; Assessment Pages Provided</li> <li>Cover Lesson Provided</li> <li>Video Clips Provided</li> <li>Classroom/Alternative Lesson Provided</li> </ul>
KS3 Scripted ProjectQuick View

KS3 Scripted Project

<p>Yr8 Drama Scripted Project, loosely based around AQA Component 3 Scripted Unit. This Scheme could be taught at any KS3 level but I find it is a good project for the second half of Yr8, to begin real independent work for students. This is a FULL Scheme of Work which includes all of the following -</p> <ul> <li>5 x 1hr lessons based around take a script from Page to Stage. The lessons could easily be extended over 2 lessons to make it a longer project.</li> <li>Feedback and Assessment Pages Provided</li> <li>Cover Lesson Provided</li> <li>Homework Task Provided</li> <li>Classroom/Alternative Work Provided</li> </ul>
Yr9 Devised/AQA Component 2 ProjectQuick View

Yr9 Devised/AQA Component 2 Project

<p>This project based Scheme of Work is based around the AQA GCSE Drama Specification but could easily be adapted to fit any GCSE. It is a very detailed, student led project which my students have responded really well to in the past and produced some excellent quality work, GCSE standard work. The project is planned to introduce different elements to their Devised piece gradually. This is a FULL Scheme of Work and includes all of the following -</p> <ul> <li>13 x 1hr lessons covering the basics of improvisation/stimulus response, all the way through to Dramatic Structure and Style/Form.</li> <li>All Feedback &amp; Assessment Sheets Included</li> <li>Resources/Stimulus all Included</li> <li>Cover Lessons Included</li> <li>Alternative/Classroom based Project Included</li> <li>Consolidate Assessment Resources Included</li> </ul>
Romeo & Juliet Scheme of WorkQuick View

Romeo & Juliet Scheme of Work

<p>Page to Stage introduction exploring adaptations of Shakespearian text – narrative, characters, rivalry (themes), stage fighting and plot development. This is a FULL Scheme of Work and includes all of the following -</p> <ul> <li>6 x 1hr lessons based around Rivalry and Adapting Classical Theatre for a modern setting. Some of which can easily be expanded over 2 lessons to make the topic longer.</li> <li>Assessment Pages Provided</li> <li>Video Clips Provided</li> <li>Cover Lesson Provided</li> <li>Scripts Provided</li> <li>Classroom/Alternative Work Provided</li> </ul>