<p>Worksheet designed for Year 2 which challenges children to recognise 2D shapes and sort them dependent upon their properties. Reasoning focus too.</p>
<p>I created these frames to encourage children in the class to vary the way they start sentences and to give them prompts for elements to include within their sentences. Works very well for EAL children as well as first language speakers. Elements include, adverb opening, Prepositional openings, time openings, Simile opening and adjective openings.Designed to enable children to write sentences better than they thought possible!</p>
Bumper collection of multiplication resources ideal for year 3. 3,4 and 8 time table activities, grid multiplication, word problems, year 3 assessment for end of topic, matching images to multiplication statements, inverse problems. Also includes lesson plan for multiplication lesson created for an observation ( graded outstanding). Additional Powerpoints to accompany resources.
Collection of resources to support teaching in Fractions in Year 3. Including use of fraction wall to find equivalents. Fractions of amounts in worded problems. Ordering fractions on number lines. Completing an M and M investigation including simplifying fractions and Reasoning and Problem Solving challenges. Finally, an adding and subtracting tenths resources too.
Collection of resources for Year 2 to support learning in multiplication. Includes image matching activity and powerpoint, fluency and reasoning/problem solving activities.
This whole pack includes detailed lesson plans designed for an observed lesson (outstanding). It centres around the children writing a scary story after selecting a central character (vampire, witch, dragon etc). the story is developed followed the Boxing Clever strategy: WHO, WHERE, WHERE NEXT, PROBLEM, WHO HELPS, RESOLUTION. This then includes within each section exciting sentence types to be included (Alan Peat) such as adj, adj, list, time opening, place opening, change of pace sentence, emotion comma, adverb opening etc. I have found that this enables even the less able children to construct a story which has a wealth of descriptive elements and varied sentence structures. It leads them away from 'safe' sentences that they overuse and exposes them to more complex sentences. Loads of activities here all differentiated.
Collection of addition and subtraction challenges with numbers up to 500. Ideal for mental maths 10 min tests or homework. Includes 8 times tables sheet.
Large collection of resources to support the teaching of solving missing number problems using inverse. Calculations involve addition and subtraction. Also includes a Powerpoint explaining how to reorder number sentences in order to solve using number line strategies. Aimed at year 3
I developed this booklet this year on moving into Year 2 as a resource designed to develop the reading comprehension skills of the children to include retrieval skills. inference, deduction, prediction and vocabulary knowledge. This also includes additional resources for the text which can be used as assessment materials. Included are teaching notes suggesting how this booklet is used with the children and explaining which skills are being developed.
<p>This resource includes: Reading scales for Mass and solving additiona and subtraction problems related to mass.<br />
Additionally, WRM inspired activities which compare balance scales, more than, less than and equal to and solve balancing problems. Measuring with grams and comparing using language heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest and solving problems involving grams. Measuring mass using kilograms and solving problems involving kilograms.</p>
Collection of addition and subtraction challenges with numbers up to 10. Ideal for mental maths 10 min tests or homework. Includes 10 times tables sheet.
Addition and Subtraction Challenge sheets for numbers up to 5.<br />
Includes 2 times table sheet<br />
ideal for mental maths 10 min tests or homework
Here is a complete set of teaching resources to accompany the book Red Eyes at Night by Michael Morpurgo. Differentiated 3 ways they meet the old reading focuses Af1-Af7 (still obviously very relevant). <br />
AF1: Using accurate decoding, blending and expression for fluency.<br />
AF2:Retrieval of information: selecting from the text and quoting.<br />
AF3: Deducing, inferring and interpreting events in the text.<br />
AF4: Commenting on text structure, order, grammatical and text features<br />
AF5: Commenting on authors use of language at sentence and word level.<br />
AF6: Commenting on purpose and viewpoint expressed and effect on the reader.<br />
AF7: Recognising similarities in texts: characters, plots, settings etc. Features of texts
Collection of Multiplication and Division challenges where children need to multiply 2 digit numbers by 4 by doubling twice and using halving halving skills to divide by 4. Ideal for mental maths 10 min tests or homework. Includes 7 times tables sheet.
Collection of addition and subtraction challenges with numbers up to 100. Ideal for mental maths 10 min tests or homework. Includes 4 times tables sheet.
I have compiled a selection of fluency, reasoning and problem solving activities designed as an end of block assessment piece. Covers tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams and has been differentiated 3 ways. Inspired by WRM.
<p>Designed for Year 2 and Year 3 children<br />
4 sheets which progress from single digit from two digit numbers to 3 digit from 3 digit numbers.<br />
Designed for children to demonstrate finding the difference from th smaller number to the larger number.</p>
Collection of multiplication and division challenges for doubling 2 digit numbers and halving numbers. Ideal for mental maths 10 min tests or homework. Includes 6 times tables sheet.