Fish classification and adaptations research lessonQuick View

Fish classification and adaptations research lesson

<p>Template Bio-factsheet for students to complete on computer using their own research, including student guidance to aid independent learning.<br /> Fun and interesting way for students to learn independantly about classification and adaptations. My classes have all love it!</p> <p>Students research information online about why aniamls are classified as fish and add it to this template Bio-factfile.<br /> They then research and add information about the habitat and adaptations of two examples.<br /> Perfect for use on Google Classrooms or similar.</p> <p>This is one of four similar actvities that can be purchased individualy, or all four can be purchased for a reduced total price- please see my other resources.</p>
Mammals classification and adaptations research lessonQuick View

Mammals classification and adaptations research lesson

<p>Template Bio-factsheet for students to complete on computer using their own research, including student guidance to aid independent learning.<br /> Fun and interesting way for students to learn independantly about classification and adaptations. My classes have all love it!</p> <p>Students research information online about why aniamls are classified as mammals and add it to this template Bio-factfile.<br /> They then research and add information about the habitat and adaptations of two examples.<br /> Perfect for use on Google Classrooms or similar.</p> <p>This is one of four similar actvities that can be purchased individualy, or all four can be purchased for a reduced total price- please see my other resources.</p>
Reptiles and amphibians classification and adaptations research lessonQuick View

Reptiles and amphibians classification and adaptations research lesson

<p>Template Bio-factsheet for students to complete on computer using their own research, including student guidance to aid independent learning.<br /> Fun and interesting way for students to learn independantly about classification and adaptations. My classes have all love it!</p> <p>Students research information online about why aniamls are classified as reptiles and amphibians and add it to this template Bio-factfile.<br /> They then research and add information about the habitat and adaptations of examples.<br /> Perfect for use on Google Classrooms or similar.</p> <p>This is one of four similar actvities that can be purchased individualy, or all four can be purchased for a reduced total price- please see my other resources.</p>
Birds classification and adaptations research lessonQuick View

Birds classification and adaptations research lesson

<p>Template Bio-factsheet for students to complete on computer using their own research, including student guidance to aid independent learning.<br /> Fun and interesting way for students to learn independantly about classification and adaptations. My classes have all love it!</p> <p>Students research information online about why aniamls are classified as birds and add it to this template Bio-factfile.<br /> They then research and add information about the habitat and adaptations of two examples.<br /> Perfect for use on Google Classrooms or similar.</p> <p>This is one of four similar actvities that can be purchased individualy, or all four can be purchased for a reduced total price- please see my other resources.</p>
Classification and adaptations research lessonsQuick View

Classification and adaptations research lessons

<p>Four template Bio-factsheets for students to complete on computer using their own research, including student guidance to aid independent learning.<br /> A fun and interesting way for students to learn independantly about classification and adaptations.<br /> My classes have all loved these!</p> <p>Students research information online about why organisms are classified as a specific class of vertebrate animals and add it to their copy of the template Bio-factfile.<br /> They then research and add information about the habitat and adaptations of two examples.<br /> Perfect for use on Google Classrooms or similar computer-based learning platform.</p> <p>All four of these can be purchased together here, or they can be purchased individualy - see my other resources for these.</p>