Prime Numbers and Prime FactorsQuick View

Prime Numbers and Prime Factors

Pupils will investigate prime numbers to 20 and explain why they are prime numbers, and work out which numbers less than 100 are prime numbers. This resource had a rating of 4.4/5 stars when it was a free download Learning Intention: To show understanding of prime numbers Success Criteria: I can list all the prime numbers to 20 and explain why they are prime numbers I can work out which numbers less than 100 are prime numbers
French Conversation: All About MeQuick View

French Conversation: All About Me

2 introductory lessons on ppt - names and age (details below). Song to accompany (words on 2nd ppt). Created this for year 5 and the pupils really enjoyed it, especially when I split the boys and girls for the song. When a free resource, it was downloaded 5197 times with 4.2/5 stars Lesson 1 - Learning Intention: To be able to have a simple conversation in French Success Criteria: Be able to ask and respond to questions, understanding their meaning To listen carefully so that you use accurate pronunciation Lesson 2 - Learning Intention: To be able to add your age into conversation Success Criteria: I know how to say ‘hello’ I know how to ask ‘how are you?’ and reply. I know how to say ‘my name is…’ I know the numbers in French up to 11.
5 Pillars of IslamQuick View

5 Pillars of Islam

Lesson presentation - Visual and attractive ppt. Activity - Print out pictures and descriptions of 5 pillars for pupils to then match up. Worksheet for comparing 5 pillars to the individual (AT1 and AT2) As a previoisly free resource, downloaded 10132 times 4.8/5 stars “Very useful- good visual images and I really like the ideas for AT2”* Learning Intention: To know about the five pillars of Islam and how they affect the lives of Muslims. Success Criteria: I can understand what each of the five pillars mean I can relate them to real-life contexts I can compare these beliefs to other religions I can reflect on what I consider to be important in life
Maths Investigation using ICTQuick View

Maths Investigation using ICT

A fun investigation which requires pupils to work together and use ICT to plan a holiday. Pupils use skills such as: calculating distance and time, cost of travel, percentages, discounts, temperature averages, calculating averages, profit, currencies, presenting data etc Also allows them to practise presentation and persuasion skills for English. 2 extension activities also included. The first involves how long I would need to save up for (uses ratio) The second is a fun code breaker
Ratio and Proportion for KS2Quick View

Ratio and Proportion for KS2

Ppt lesson and 2 worksheets for ratio and proportion. 4.3/5 stars when a free resource * “It is written in a child friendly language and the example make it even clearer." “This is just perfect and very clearly written! Thank you" “Great in explaining the differences. Thank you.”* Learning Intention: To be able to investigate using ratio and proportion, understanding the difference between them Success Criteria: I can explain the difference between ratio and proportion I can mathematically apply my knowledge of multiplication, division and common factors I can work systematically
Mean, Median, Mode and RangeQuick View

Mean, Median, Mode and Range

Ppt that introduces pupils to mean, median, mode and range. Visual powerpoint that guides you through the lesson. Followed by match up cards for pupils to hold and put themselves into groups. Learning Intention: To be able to calculate the range, mode, mean and median of a set of data. Success Criteria: I can use the correct mathematical vocabulary I can apply my understanding in different contexts
FactorsQuick View


Ppt introducing factors. Follow the powerpoint as a complete lesson with class activities. Also included is a game to play in pairs. Learning Intention: To show understanding of factors Success Criteria: I am able to explain what a factor is I am able to list factors of different numbers I am able to apply this to a calculation The game requires counters and 2 arrows. Pupils work in pairs. Place 2 arrows along number line at the bottom. Pupils can only move one arrow at a time. The aim of the game is to have four numbers in a row on the grid - so pupils have to figure out the factors of the number they wish to cover up and try and move the arrows to create that number.