Times tables funpackQuick View

Times tables funpack

This learning pack includes worksheets, puzzles and games to help children understand times tables and have fun at the same time! Get the numbers to stick by turning times tables into engaging activities.
Word puzzles for Key Stage 2 EnglishQuick View

Word puzzles for Key Stage 2 English

A collection of 20 puzzles about different concepts learned in Key Stage 2 English, such as past and present tense (regular and irregular verbs), singular and plural nouns (regular and irregular nouns), parts of speech, and proper and common nouns (puzzles about this includes a crossword about Florence Nightingale, which ties in with what students may have learned in history lessons). Answer sheets included.
Question marks practiceQuick View

Question marks practice

Decide which of the sentences on this worksheet are statements, and which are questions. Write in the correct punctuation - question mark or full stop.
Pollination and fertilisationQuick View

Pollination and fertilisation

A review of pollination, including spaces for students to draw what happens at each stage described. A diagram of male and female parts of a flower is included.
Easter wordsearchQuick View

Easter wordsearch

An Easter-themed wordsearch, including seasonally appropriate words such as daffodil, palm, Sunday and chick.
Solving money word problems using divisionQuick View

Solving money word problems using division

We've shown you how much multiple quantities of five different items cost - can you work out how much just one of each item would cost? Use this information to solve the word problems on this worksheet.