Tropical Rainforest learning matQuick View

Tropical Rainforest learning mat

This learning mat and the associated handouts within the power point includes uses/resources of the rainforest, the structure and layers of the rainforest, the causes and effects of deforestation and ideas for sustainability.
Crime keywords dominoesQuick View

Crime keywords dominoes

A good starter or plenary task. All key words are linked to an introduction to the topic or types of crime with exception of 'CCTV&'. Pupils can be asked to spot the odd one out and give a reason why as an extension. They may come up with a different odd one out or they could classify/sort the key words into their own classifications.
Tropical storm typhoon Haiyan decision making exerciseQuick View

Tropical storm typhoon Haiyan decision making exercise

Pupils work in groups of three and they are allocated roles such as the crisis manager, information coordinator and the map and data analyst. The information coordinator needs to go to the laptop/computer in the room and watch the live pilot feed regarding the tropical storm events. The coordinator must then feedback the information to the data and map analyst who should annotate maps and resources with the information. The crisis manger then needs to make the necessary decisions. The information coordinator will then get a score for the decision from their teacher and then return to the pilot feed for the following event. There is a video starter and image annotation plenary question. The lesson was inspired by one of my favourite lessons about Montserrat by ‘Juicy Geography’.
Spelling in Geography (commonly misspelt words)Quick View

Spelling in Geography (commonly misspelt words)

A list of common spelling errors in Geography. I have underlined the parts of the words where the errors tend to occur. This could be placed inside the cover of exercise books, for display or for a spelling test prep.
Plate margin interactive diagram (pupils become plate boundaries)Quick View

Plate margin interactive diagram (pupils become plate boundaries)

GCSE Natural Hazards Pupils can act out the plate margins and become a human version of the plate margin diagrams using diagram prompts such as direction arrows and key terms. There are copies of plate margin diagrams that pupils can annotate. Then using the cards (slides) groups can be allocated a specific plate margin to teach to the rest of the class.