A simple exercise, with extension tasks for checking understanding of subject/verb agreement. Looks at singular and plural, asking for corrections to errors. Extension checks that subjects and verbs can be identified.
A powerpoint covering all areas of comparing text this includes activites and information to ensure learners are prepared for the GCSE examination. Can be used over a number of lessons or as a recap for prior learning before the exams.
A set of activities and table to look at how healthy soft drinks are. You will need to prepare in advance the soft drinks, salt and sugar. Encourages learners to make informed decisions and avoid mislabelled drinks.
An activity to encourage students to look at the language they can use. It also looks at how one persons understanding of a meaning can differ to another and how this can lead to problems.
An activity to encourage learners to think about how having rights also carries responsibilities. It also looks at how this is enforced with rules. This is set in an education setting but can be adapted to look at work situations.
<p>A useful assignment consisting of a simple, practical experiment and worksheet on the language of probability to compare theoretical and actual results. Encourages learners to use the language of probability to explain why the results differ and how to improve their results.</p>
<p>A simple powerpoint presentation on the main punctuation marks and their purpose. Useful to both introduce key punctuation marks and as a reminder guide.</p>
<p>A recap presentation on the four basic operators with word based functional questions. A supporting worksheet looking at the terminology associated with the four operators to remind learners that the words will offer clues to the sums required. Supporting exercises were printed from maths-drills website.</p>
A set of activities and task sheet to encourage learners to look at how their identity has formed, how much control they have over their identity and why they may have certain beliefs. It leads into discussions on stereotyping and discrimination.
A selection of roles, with descriptions, that students can undertake in an observed discussion. Useful in setting tasks before a discussion, leading onto body language etc.