Current, charge and power.Quick View

Current, charge and power.

Lesson plan, PowerPoint, worksheets with answers and possible homework activities with answers. may take two lessons. Covers AQA P2.4.2 Current, charge and power. State what the power of an appliance is, calculate the power of an electrical appliance from the current and the potential difference, find the fuse required for an appliance based on its electrical power rating ,perform calculations involving rearrangement of the electrical power equation, perform calculations involving rearrangement of the Energy transferred, potential difference and charge equation: E = V x Q (HT only)
AC/DCQuick View


Lesson plan, PowerPoint, starter card sort, AC/DC problems and question and a template to use alongside oscilloscope. Covers part of AQA P2.4.1 Household electricity. Distinguish between alternating and direct current, state the frequency and potential difference of UK mains electricity, describe how the potential of the live wires varies with each cycle, use oscilloscope traces to compare direct and alternating potential differences and measure the peak voltage of an ac source, measure the period and frequency of an ac source using an oscilloscope or diagrams of oscilloscope traces.
Static ElectricityQuick View

Static Electricity

<p>Lesson plan and resources that cover AQA P2.3.1 Static electricity. Worksheets with answers, practical guide and PowerPoint.</p>
Current-Potential Difference GraphsQuick View

Current-Potential Difference Graphs

Covers content from P2.3.2 AQA Electrical circuits. Current–potential difference graphs are for LDR and Thermistors. Pupils are lead to describe how the resistance of a thermistor and light dependent- resistor (LDR) depend upon the temperature and light level respectively and challenged to explain the changes that take place in a series circuit including a thermistor or an LDR when the temperature or the light level changes. Higher students are supported to explain resistance change in terms of Ions and Electrons.
Ohm's LawQuick View

Ohm's Law

A lesson on Ohm's Law which covers part of the P2 AQA SOW. P2.3.2 Electrical circuits. Various activities that take pupils through, how to measure the resistance of a resistor using an ammeter and voltmeter , calculate the energy transferred in a circuit, calculate the resistance of a device from the current through it and the potential difference across it, state Ohms law for a metal wire, perform calculations that involve rearrangement of the resistance equation.
P1.3 Drag Forces and FrictionQuick View

P1.3 Drag Forces and Friction

Ks3/Y7 Drag Forces and Friction lesson. Adapted for the Activate/Kerboodle SoW with some edited resources from Exploring Science SoW. <br /> <br /> Identify examples of drag forces and friction forces in everyday situations, describe how drag forces and friction arise, describe the effect of drag forces and friction, explain why drag forces and friction arise.<br /> <br /> Working scientifically: Carry out a circus of experiments to investigate forces
Momentum (F) & (H) WorksheetsQuick View

Momentum (F) & (H) Worksheets

Two differentiated Momentum calculation worksheets for AQA Additional P2.2.2 Momentum. Higher worksheet involves rearrangement of equation and scientific notation.
Electrical CircuitsQuick View

Electrical Circuits

Lesson plan, PowerPoint, prac guide and matching exercise that covers part of AQA P2.3.2 Electrical circuits. State the difference between a cell and a battery, recognise and draw the circuit symbols for a cell, a battery, a switch, a lamp, a resistor, a variable resistor, a diode, a fuse, a voltmeter, an ammeter, a thermistor and an LDR, describe the function of each of the above components, and draw circuit diagrams.
Parallel CircuitsQuick View

Parallel Circuits

Lesson plan, PowerPoint and worksheet with answers that covers part of AQA P2.3.2 Electrical circuits. Identify a series and parallel circuit, state the rules for parallel circuits, apply the rules to a circuit and calculate resistance and explain why and apply to more complex circuits.
X-Rays and UltrasoundQuick View

X-Rays and Ultrasound

Lesson that was Graded as "Outstanding" on X-Rays and Ultrasound. Could be used at KS3 (High ability) when teaching from Activate 3/Kerboodle P3 Unit 1 or at KS4 for AQA P3 Medical Physics. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> Flipped Hmwk-Research<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Teach Me, Tell Me Activity Instructions on PowerPoint<br /><br /> <br /><br /> GCSE Exam Q- Answer on PowerPoint<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Extended writing task and Mark Scheme
Fuses and RCCBQuick View

Fuses and RCCB

Lesson plan, PowerPoint, video, imaginative worksheet with a differentiated version, lots of extension questions with answers and homework activity. Covers parts of AQA P2.4.1 Household electricity. What is a fuse and why are they needed?<br /> Explain how a fuse protects you when there is a fault. Explain what a RCCB is and evaluate its use compared to a fuse.
P1.2 Squashing and StretchingQuick View

P1.2 Squashing and Stretching

Ks3/Y7 Squashing and stretching lesson. Adapted for the Activate/Kerboodle SoW with some edited resources from Exploring Science SoW. <br /> <br /> State an example of a Force deforming an object, use Hooke’s law to identify proportional stretching, describe how forces deform objects, explain how solid surfaces provide a support force, apply Hooke’s Law to a range of situations <br /> <br /> Working scientifically:<br /> Draw a conclusion from an experiment<br /> Use your results to produce an accurate line graph<br /> Use your graph to predict the extension in different situations
Series CircuitsQuick View

Series Circuits

Lesson plan, PowerPoint, worksheet to be used during lesson and Series Problems with answers. Covers part of AQA P2.3.2 Electrical circuits. Identify a series and parallel circuit, state the rules for series circuits, apply the rules to a circuit and calculate resistance, explain why and apply to more complex circuits.
Moving ChargesQuick View

Moving Charges

Lesson plan, PowerPoint and worksheets that covers AQA P2.3.2 Electrical circuits. Outcomes: State that an electrical current is a flow of charge, calculate the charge transferred by a current in a specified time, perform calculations the charge = current x time equation, perform calculations involving rearrangement of the charge = current x time equation.
P1.5 Balanced and UnbalancedQuick View

P1.5 Balanced and Unbalanced

Ks3/Y7 Balanced and Unbalanced. Adapted for the Activate/Kerboodle SoW with some edited resources from Exploring Science SoW. <br /> <br /> Identify balanced and unbalanced forces and when the speed or direction of an object changes, describe situations that are in equilibrium, describe the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces.
P1.1 Introduction to ForcesQuick View

P1.1 Introduction to Forces

Ks3/Y7 Introduction to Forces lesson. Adapted for the Activate/Kerboodle SoW with some edited resources from Exploring Science SoW. <br /> <br /> Identify forces in everyday situations, explain what forces do, describe what is meant by an interaction pair.
P1.4 Forces at a DistanceQuick View

P1.4 Forces at a Distance

Ks3/Y7 Forces at a Distance. Adapted for the Activate/Kerboodle SoW with some edited resources from Exploring Science SoW. <br /> <br /> Identify gravity as a force that acts at a distance , state what factors change the force of gravity, describe the effect of gravitational forces, explain how the effect of gravity changes <br /> Working scientifically: Present observations and data using <br /> appropriate methods
Challenge Board-Finished? Then Try One of These...Quick View

Challenge Board-Finished? Then Try One of These...

Display- Extension/Challenge work for students who finish early. The aim of which is to keep pupils engaged and give the access to an activity that encourages them to reflect on their work and to encourage higher levels of independence. <br /> <br /> <br /> Inspired by @misstait_85
Non-Ohmic Devices (Lamp & Diodes)Quick View

Non-Ohmic Devices (Lamp & Diodes)

This lesson covers content from AQA P2.3.2 Electrical circuits on how current–potential difference graphs are used to show how the current through lamps and diodes varies with the potential difference across it.
Mains ElectricityQuick View

Mains Electricity

Lesson plan, powerpoint, plug diagram, unsafe plug worksheet and answer and some homework and extension tasks. Covers part of P2.4.1 Household electricity. Describe the design and function of a three-pin mains plug, including the materials and the colours of the wires, explain why it is important that appliances are double-insulated, explain why it is necessary to connect some appliances to the earth via the earth wire, explain in detail the choice of materials used for the mains parts of a three-pin mains plug.
National Grid Annotated Diagram & GuideQuick View

National Grid Annotated Diagram & Guide

AQA P1.4.2 The National Grid This guide gives a simple, easy and relatively cheap method of how to set up your very own National Grid. Big thanks to @MrSykesPhysics!