End of Year 7 Assessment with Grades for the New GCSE specifications.Quick View

End of Year 7 Assessment with Grades for the New GCSE specifications.

This is the exam that I have used for the end of Year 7. The grades range from W2 up to 5.75 and the test comes with the mark scheme, grade boundaries and a link to my youtube clip which students can watch to do their own corrections. <br /> <br /> Some of the questions in the markscheme are in a slightly different order.
Year 7 Mastery scheme of work with 4 Cycle assessments with new GCSE style grade boundaries.Quick View

Year 7 Mastery scheme of work with 4 Cycle assessments with new GCSE style grade boundaries.

My take on the mastery approach to maths. I identified 12 key skills, and repeatedly focus on those skills at the beginning of each cycle. These underpin the other skills that are used throughout the students time in KS3 and 4.<br /> This is an editable SoW with assessments, grade boundaries and 2 mark schemes. 2 of the assessments don't have mark schemes, but are simple enough to mark.<br /> We have used it this year to great success, and the constant returning to the key skills during the first 4 weeks of each cycle means that almost all of our Yr 7 cohort are comfortable with what you'd hope.<br /> All the assessments are graded in line with the new 9 - 1 GCSE grading system, and across the assessments this year, our students have shown to make good progress.
Video resources to help with revision or learning and practicing mathematical skills.Quick View

Video resources to help with revision or learning and practicing mathematical skills.

The document provides a description of how to use the resources of which there are links to.<br /> There is one video per day for 365 days - the first 7 are in the attached document.<br /> <br /> The videos are designed to drip feed maths to the students from Yr 7 up to GCSEs.<br /> I am also responsible for the numeracy across the school in my place and so have assigned the students to watch these in form times, but they are for you to use as you wish.