Brexit: Marine Le Pen appelle à organiser un référendum en FranceQuick View

Brexit: Marine Le Pen appelle à organiser un référendum en France

Exploitation of a You tube video in which Marine Le Pen calls for a referendum in France on its membership of the EU (Frexit) Contains differentiated comprehension exercises on the video, questions to stimulate discussion, suggestions for independent research and language manipulation practice with phrases from the video. It also includes marking scheme and transcript of the video.
La structure familiale - changes in French family structureQuick View

La structure familiale - changes in French family structure

An activity which is based on short extracts from recent authentic French texts about the changing French family: monoparentalité, homoparentalité and familles recomposées. Pupils place extracts into three groups of family structures and then proceed to complete speaking and written tasks based on the information in the texts. Excerpts are of varying difficulty for differentiation. Aimed at medium to high AS level. Answers to the activity are included.
Le BurkiniQuick View

Le Burkini

A range of authentic resources in response to recent French comments on the launch of the burkini by Marks and Spencer. Comprises worksheets on You tube video, demonstrating how to wear the burkini, You tube video featuring Muslim entrepreneurs Asraa sport, text on the response of French minister for women's rights, Rossignol to the sale of the burkini and text on Center parcs in France allowing bathers to wear the burkini. Includes answers to exercises.
Le burkini - verbalisée à Nice août 2016Quick View

Le burkini - verbalisée à Nice août 2016

The resource exploits a report in the Nouvel Observateur about the police action on the beaches in the south of France to remove bathers wearing a burkini. In four parts, it comprises vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions designed to encourage disussion of the issues surrounding the burkini (particularly the extent of the French principle of secularism) and creative and discursive writing. It is aimed at average to high level pupils at A Level or IB and at exploring authentic current texts and issues. Answers to the questions are included.
Quel and ce/cette with school uniformQuick View

Quel and ce/cette with school uniform

This is a power point presentation lesson on using the demonstrative adjective ce and interrogative adjective quel in the context of school uniform. It starts by checking clothing vocabulary with a match-up task, then explains how the adjectives change according to number and gender. Pupils try to work out the various forms of the adjectives. Then there is a short exercise filling in gaps with the correct form of quel and ce. After this pupils look at adjectives to describe items of clothing, matching cut-up words to the French. Led by the power point pupils put together what they have learnt in a speaking activity by completing a survey, using pictures and suggested adjectives. There is a homework sheet on the adjectives. Differentiation is included through 1) thinking up adjectives in the vocabulary matching activity 2) thinking about re-usable phrases or interesting grammatical constructions in the exercise on quel and ce and 3) the different levels of answers in the speaking exercise.
Work experienceQuick View

Work experience

Aimed at GCSE pupils writing about work experience. Sheet 1 gives sentence starters for questions starting with what pupils are studying at school proceeding through all areas of the work experience and a reflecton on its value, including an area for consciously developing points made. Sheet 2 shows how pupils could use some more sophisticated grammatical structures within the context of work experience. Sheet 3 is a computer lesson (could also be done in the classroom) where pupils actively develop their ideas giving opinions, justification and using connectives and more complicated tenses in the context of work experience. Sheet 4 is a list of possible tasks pupils could have done during the work experience. Sheet 5 is a collection of sentence starters to take pupils through a whole piece of writing about work experience. Sheet 6 is an exercise where pupils categorise reasons to do work experience - this is more challenging French.
Tour de France 2016Quick View

Tour de France 2016

Listening, reading and writing practice. A quiz in sections based on an engaging You tube cartoon giving information on the Tour de France. Pupils fill in gaps in the text watching the video. Includes timings for each section of the quiz to re-play sections easily and a copy of the complete text for marking. There are four writing questions to develop ideas further.
Je voudrais changer ma ville.Quick View

Je voudrais changer ma ville.

Aimed at the AQA oral question about how you would wish to change your home town. Pupils learn French phrases to present the problems in their home town and how these should be resolved. Using the "problem" phrases they work in groups to think about the disadvantages of a ficticious town. They then think about how these problems could be overcome and make suggestions using the sentence starters on the sheet. Finally they present their ideas to the other groups saying "Je n'aime pas cette ville parce que......../On devrait etc..."
French presidential election - comparison of electoral promisesQuick View

French presidential election - comparison of electoral promises

This resource looks at selected parts of recent authentic newspaper reports and compares the manifestos of Le Pen and Macron on a number of issues. It is aimed at able Sixth From pupils. It starts by giving details of the two candidates' views on the issues and comprises 11 exercises including answering questions in French/summarising ideas/translation into English/finding synonyms/recycling phrases and also includes questions asking for pupils' personal responses on the criteria for deciding on immigration quotas and family reunification. It is designed to give pupils an idea of the issues on which the French election is being fought. An answer sheet is included.
Integration and asylum in France - listening exerciseQuick View

Integration and asylum in France - listening exercise

This resource is aimed at more able Year 13 pupils. It is a listening exercise in the style of the AQA listening paper, with questions which require non-verbal answers, answers in French and summary. Pupils access an interview by Nicolas Demorand of France Inter (link at the top of the file) in which he questions Aurélien Taché of the LREM about his recent report on the integration of foreigners in France. There is an answer sheet at the end of the file and the approximate timings of the content in the interview required to answer questions is noted with each questions to allow pupils to access this more easily. It is aimed at combining authentic current material with examination practice.
France scientifiqueQuick View

France scientifique

A power point resource to go with a charming France 2 video dated 7.06.16 about how birds are evolving and losing their wings as they adapt to their changing environment. The power point contains various exercises to show comprehension of the video and an imaginative writing task on how humans might also adapt to their environment. Included is a worksheet with an exercise on adjectives - agreement and position - found in the text and a transcript of the video for further exploitation.