Slow Writing CardsQuick View

Slow Writing Cards

Four sets of slow writing cards suitable for KS2: <br /> - general fiction writing (30 cards)<br /> - general non-fiction writing (34 cards)<br /> - I SPACE cards (6 cards)<br /> - DAD WAVERS cards inspired by the wonderful folks over at at Literacy Shed! (9 cards)<br /> <br /> The ISPACE and DADWAVERS cards are suitable throughout KS2 are for high flying Year 2s. The general fiction and non-fiction cards are based around the entire KS2 curriculum and designed to help children meet the standards in the end of Key Stage 2 Interim Framework in scaffolded writing with a view to applying these skills independently for assessment purposes later in the year.<br /> <br /> The are, however, also suitable for pupils throughout KS2! Just remove the objectives not relevant to your year group / objectives not yet taught. (Alternatively, why not use them to stretch and challenge high achievers in LKS2?)
WAGOLL instructions: How to make your teacher disappear!Quick View

WAGOLL instructions: How to make your teacher disappear!

Three differentiated instruction texts about how to make your teacher disappear (not that we want to give them any ideas!) I wrote these as a model text for analysis of the structure and SPaG features that could be included in a set of instructions and they proved very popular with the kids! We then went on to write our own sets of instructions about how to make [insert annoying thing here] disappear!
SPaG ChallengesQuick View

SPaG Challenges

A pack of 40 challenge cards covering NC content across KS2; ideal for introducing new objectives in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6.An invaluable resource for revision of previous year's content for KS2 SATs revision and for starters/refreshers at KS3, especially with the ongoing prospect of Year 7 resits for the English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Test. These cards provide enough scaffolding and challenge enabling pupils of different abilities to access them independently. They can be used for Start of Day Activities, in discrete SPaG sessions, starters for literacy lessons, and in intervention sessions. The questioning and terminology used is designed to familiarise pupils with the language seen in the statutory tests at the end of KS2.
WAGOLL MythQuick View


A myth written by me following the classic myth structure.- Good for guided reading, vocabulary building opportunities, sentences level work and as a model for children to write their own extended myths. Could be used alongside and Ancient Greeks topic and contrasted with a classic myth - great for evaluating and comparing texts based on their similarities and differences. I used this as a 'boxing up' text to allow my class to innovate their own myths - with brilliant results!
Maths Master ExtensionsQuick View

Maths Master Extensions

Mastery-inspired extension ideas for children who are finished in Maths designed to encourage them to explain their reasoning/thinking, apply the skills in a different context, create their own challenges inspired by the work they have completed today. <br /> <br /> 14 coloured 'Become a maths master' cards with prompts to help children represent what they have learned today in a different context / explain their reasoning. These are quite open-ended and not linked to any specific area of maths, so can be used in different contexts.<br /> <br /> Children self-select a task from the menu, and use this to prove that they have truly mastered the skill being taught.