Reading Skills (6 lessons) KS2- Journey to Jo'BurgQuick View

Reading Skills (6 lessons) KS2- Journey to Jo'Burg

<p>This is a series of six lessons (including PP and worksheets) on Journey to Jo’Burg by Beverley Naidoo that focuses on different areas of the UKS2 N.C for Reading following CPD training on how to teach the N.C objectives whilst promoting a love reading. The N.C focus areas are:</p> <ul> <li>To make predictions from details that have been stated and implied</li> <li>To make inferences from a text</li> <li>To summarise the main ideas from a text</li> <li>To give the meaning of words in context</li> <li>To show understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action</li> <li>To make comparisons within a text</li> </ul> <p>This series includes extracts from Journey to Jo’Burg as well as samples from other books such as Wolf Brother, A Spoonful of Murder, The Wolf Wilder, The Chocolate Factory Ghost and Shadow for children to enjoy.</p>
Reading Skills KS2 (6 lessons)- Beowulf by Michael MorpurgoQuick View

Reading Skills KS2 (6 lessons)- Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo

<p>This is a series of six lessons (including PP and worksheets) on Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo that focuses on different areas of the UKS2 N.C for Reading following CPD training on how to teach the N.C objectives whilst promoting a love reading. The N.C focus areas are:</p> <p>To make predictions from details that have been stated and implied<br /> To retrieve key information from the text<br /> To make inferences from a text<br /> To summarise the main ideas from a text<br /> To identify and comment on a writer’s use of language for effect<br /> To show understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action</p> <p>This series includes extracts from Beowulf as well as samples from other books such as The Graveyard Book, Viking Boy, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Norse myths: Tales of Odin, Thor and Loki and Castle in the Air for children to compare and enjoy.</p>
Reading Skills KS2 (6 lessons)- The War of the WorldsQuick View

Reading Skills KS2 (6 lessons)- The War of the Worlds

<p>This is a series of six lessons (including PP and worksheets) on the Usborne Young Reading version of The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells that focuses on different areas of the UKS2 N.C for Reading following CPD training on how to teach the N.C objectives whilst promoting a love reading. The N.C focus areas are:</p> <p>To make predictions from details that have been stated and implied<br /> To retrieve key information from the text<br /> To make inferences from a text</p> <p>This series includes extracts from The War of the Worlds as well as samples from other books such as Star Stories by Andy Wilx and Anita Ganeri, The Jamie Drake Equation by Christopher Edge and The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield for children to compare and enjoy.</p>
Settlements and Migration - KS2 GeographyQuick View

Settlements and Migration - KS2 Geography

<p>Series of three lessons (Power Points and resources) about Settlements and Migration following the sequence of objectives listed in ‘Teaching Primary Geography’ by Stephen Scoffham and Paula Owens.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Do settlements have pattern?<br /> Lesson 2: Why do people migrate?<br /> Lesson 3: What happens to refugees?</p>
Key Stage 2 Space Topic/History/Geography planning (7 lessons)Quick View

Key Stage 2 Space Topic/History/Geography planning (7 lessons)

<p>A series of seven lessons about Space incorporating KS2 N.C objectives for Geography and History. All Power Points and worksheets provided. The lesson objectives are the following:</p> <ul> <li>To explore the key historical events of space exploration</li> <li>To plan a successful journey</li> <li>To recognise why people sent animals into space</li> <li>To study a significant person from history</li> <li>To study past events from world history</li> <li>To compare the geographical features of the moon and earth</li> <li>To locate key areas on a map</li> </ul>
South America - KS2 GeographyQuick View

South America - KS2 Geography

<p>Series of three lessons (Power Points and resources) about South America following the sequence of objectives listed in ‘Teaching Primary Geography’ by Stephen Scoffham and Paula Owens.</p> <p>Lesson 1: What is South America like?<br /> Lesson 2: What is Lima like?<br /> Lesson 3: What is Lake Titicaca like?</p>
Reading Skills KS2 (6 lessons)- Holes by Louis SacharQuick View

Reading Skills KS2 (6 lessons)- Holes by Louis Sachar

<p>This is a series of six lessons (including PP and worksheets) on Holes by Louis Sachar that focuses on different areas of the UKS2 N.C for Reading following CPD training on how to teach the N.C objectives. The N.C focus areas are:</p> <p>To make simple inferences<br /> To explain words in context<br /> To identify words specifically chosen for impact<br /> To make comparisons within a text<br /> To retrieve information and key details from the text<br /> To summarise the main ideas and themes from a book using quotations</p>
Kingdom pods- Year 6 return to school 2020Quick View

Kingdom pods- Year 6 return to school 2020

<p>This is a short PP for those who have or will be taking a Pod of Year 6 children during the next phase of schools reopening. The Kingdom idea allows each pod of children to name their pod, create their own rights, design characters and a coat of arms. Since many of these children will be returning to schools not in their regular classroom, teacher or friends creating a Kingdom should hopefully develop a new sense of class identity.</p>