Year 5 Science planning - entire yearQuick View

Year 5 Science planning - entire year

<p>This Science planning has been planned for the whole year using a spiral curriculum format. Lessons are separated into Biology, Chemistry and Physics as advised by the new Ofsted reports and linked using key concepts/ strands (diversity, life cycles, energy, interactions and systems). Skills are taught to a basic level in Year 5 before being revisited and strengthened in Year 6 (Year 6 planning is also available).</p> <p>During a deep dive, the planning received praise and has been used and improved. Vocabulary is a key focus and each lesson has been planned with greater depth challenges. Children are encouraged to be more independent scientists and follow the same investigation format throughout the year to embed their working scientifically skills.</p> <p>Assessment through end of unit quizzes. 9 lessons and 1 assessment per term allows for spare lessons to be filled with recap/ additional lessons were needed (based on assessments).</p>
Year 6 Science planning - entire yearQuick View

Year 6 Science planning - entire year

<p>This Science planning has been planned for the whole year using a spiral curriculum format. Lessons are separated into Biology, Chemistry and Physics as advised by the new Ofsted reports and linked using key concepts/ strands (diversity, life cycles, energy, interactions and systems). Skills are taught to a basic level in Year 5 before being revisited and strengthened in Year 6 (Year 6 planning is also available).</p> <p>Pupils are encouraged to be independent scientists and carry out their own investigations using a format. Vocabulary is a key focus and pupils are encouraged to used scientific terminology as well as methods for investigation. This planning layout follows the new Ofsted expectations and pushes greater depth learning to look at Year 7 vocabulary. During a deep dive, the planning received praise and has been used and improved.</p> <p>Assessment is done at the end of each term through a quiz style test and as the planning covers 10 weeks, there are spare lessons available for recap/ recovering areas of learning identified as weaker.</p>