<p>Example essay planning (on the theme of Death) for OCR A level including mindmaps and textual reference. There is then a selection of challenging questions for students to plan their own responses.</p>
<p>An exemplar poetry structure and exemplar paragraph, with attached worksheet for students to complete their own paragraph.<br />
Edexcel Love and Relationships Anthology.</p>
<p>Extensive contextual summaries of historical, literary, and authorial context, aimed at helping high ability pupils secure a 9 at GCSE. This resource also aims to push beyond GCSE and prepare for A-level study of the Gothic and to promote wider reading.<br />
There are also some work sheets for students to fill out.</p>
<p>Revision resource for Macbeth at GCSE. Comparative quotations focused on the theme of guilt throughout the play. Key motifs are tracked across 2.2, 2.3, 3.4, and 5.1.</p>