French A-Level last minute revisionQuick View

French A-Level last minute revision

A few useful French expression and grammar reminders (when to use the subjunctive or conditional or infinitive). I gave this to my Y13 students before their speaking exam but it can also be used for writing. (total 5 pages)
French conversation gameQuick View

French conversation game

A game mat to print and laminate for Y11, Y12 and Y13. Top sets for Y9 and Y10 might be able to do it too. General conversation about likes and dislikes or holidays, personality...etc. A variety of topics seen in class before.
French Talking MatQuick View

French Talking Mat

<p>A talking mat to laminate with key target language students can use in class. Double sided. More appropriate for KS3<br /> Two formats available ppt is editable and pdf easier to print.</p>
No & Moi dossierQuick View

No & Moi dossier

A complete dossier on the book No &amp; Moi by Delphine de Vigan. Analysis of the book and characters, all in French with key vocabulary translated.