GCSE PE Edexcel Component 1 Body system knowledge organisersQuick View

GCSE PE Edexcel Component 1 Body system knowledge organisers

<p>4 knowledge organisers on the body systems: Skeletal, Muscular, Respiratory and Cardio-Vascular.</p> <p>You can delete certain words as a task for students to fill in the gaps. The more words you delete the more challenging so excellent for differentiation.</p> <p>My Y11s really liked this structure and these KOs would frame my whole scheme of work, where exam questions relating to that topic would be aided using the KO.</p>
BTEC First Sport Unit 5 workbookletQuick View

BTEC First Sport Unit 5 workbooklet

This resource covers all the coursework needed for unit 5. Was an easy way of students producing the coursework written before they needed to type it up. It was also great as we had a whole cohort of students to get through, students enrolled off-site we dropped this booklet to them and they could complete the booklet.
Mini BTEC exams for Unit One L2 BTEC SPORT First AwardQuick View

Mini BTEC exams for Unit One L2 BTEC SPORT First Award

So here are 6 powerpoints with revision content for Topic A,B and C of the Unit 1 BTEC Sport Exam. Alongside this I have provided the mini-exams and mark schemes on word to set as homework.<br /> <br /> There is also a tracker provided which all you need to do is write the score say 9, or Pass if they got 10/10. Students in my lesson do not pass the exam until they have 10/10 so they sit twice in a lesson. At the end of the unit I would do a catch-up session to make sure they get all Passes to achieve it. Ideally if you have a small class students wouldn't sit the real exam until they have completed all 6 and practised some long answer questions.
GCSE PE Edexcel (9-1) Self quizzing starters/homework.Quick View

GCSE PE Edexcel (9-1) Self quizzing starters/homework.

<p>Self-quizzing is a fantastic tool that students can use during starters or as a homework task that encourages independent learning, depth of subject knowledge and a great attitude to learning.</p> <p>This could be a great resource to give to parents too to help your students at home.</p> <p>The idea is that students fold over the answers on the right hand side of the page and have a go at the quiz on the left on their own. They can then mark themselves after or a peer mark if you prefer in an observation lesson.</p> <p>The idea is that they keep repeating until ideally they get full marks on that test. You can either look at topics you are going to sit in advance or embed the knowledge of topics you are studying.</p> <p>I have used this sort of strategy with the BTEC unit one exam and was very successful with disengaged groups as they enjoyed pushing themselves through routines. It was also useful for a challenging group, as I used it as a starter I set high expectations ensuring all students were silent which subsequently helped to calm my most challenging students.</p> <p>I have produced the whole of paper one topics paper two is being created, some exams are shorter than others but I do hope you enjoy them as I know I will as it makes my planning and questioning so much easier.</p> <p>Enjoy and good luck to your students!</p>
PEP assistanceQuick View

PEP assistance

<p>A skeleton plan to have whilst students are on the PEP coursework section of the course.</p> <p>It will need adapting but my students liked the simplicity and having it on the large screen for focus.</p> <p>This will get a good first draft from all pupils, I then added notes on track changes. They then used those to add more detail (i.e. long/short term effects of exercise, anatomy and physiology knowledge) to boost their grades afterwards. Especially in the evaluation.</p>