3 differentiated sheets, time given and children have to draw the hands on the analogue clock and write the digital time too.<br />
Extension word problem given
<p>20+ slides of Maths retrieval questions perfect for SATS prep. These are many of the questions we have completed in the Autumn term x2 per week. Whiteboard, partner and indepedent questions all included.</p>
LO: I can make new words by putting two words together<br />
Powerpoint: Explanation of compound words with examples, opportunity for children to create their own with words given. Guess the compound word using pictures.<br />
Worksheet: Using pictures to guess the compound word and break it down to find the individual words then underlining compound words in short sentences given.
<p>Four powerpoints</p>
<li>Ordering numbers and matching images to the number they represent</li>
<li>Recap ordering numbers, discuss which image is more and why?</li>
<li>How can you represent these numbers? Compare numbers using < ></li>
<li>Insert numbers to make statements correct</li>
<p>Children completed lots of practical activities ordering numbers on number lines. We used tens frames, numicon and different classroom objects to represent problems.</p>