Christianity Practices Revision ActivityQuick View

Christianity Practices Revision Activity

Print these sheets in A3 as a revision activity for AQA Religious Studies A Christianity Practices. Designed with 5 activities built around the style of exam questions for this specification. Could be set as a h/w revision task or should take up at least a 1 hour lesson. Aims to cover most significant bits of content including: Eucharist, Baptism, Worship, Pilgrimage. The final 12 mark question focuses on the statement “Christians should be baptised when they are infants”
Christianity Beliefs and Teachings Revision ActivityQuick View

Christianity Beliefs and Teachings Revision Activity

Print these sheets in A3 as a revision activity for AQA Religious Studies A Christianity Beliefs and Teachings. Designed with 5 activities built around the style of exam questions for this specification. Could be set as a h/w revision task or should take up at least a 1 hour lesson. Aims to cover most significant bits of content including: The Trinity, Jesus, the nature of God, Creation and Salvation. The final 12 mark question focuses on the statement “The crucifixion is more important to Christians that the resurrection”
Islam Beliefs and Teachings Revision ActivityQuick View

Islam Beliefs and Teachings Revision Activity

<p>Print these sheets in A3 as a revision activity for AQA Religious Studies A Islam Beliefs and Teachings. Designed with 5 activities built around the style of exam questions for this specification. Could be set as a h/w revision task or should take up at least a 1 hour lesson. Aims to cover most significant bits of content including: Prophethood, Angels, Holy Books, The Qu’ran, Allah, Muhammad. The final 12 mark question focuses on the statement “It does not matter how the Qur’an was given to Muhammad”</p>
The nature of AllahQuick View

The nature of Allah

A complete lesson with corresponding worksheet designed for the new AQA Specification A Beliefs and Practices, looking at the nature of God in Islam by exploring Tawhid, Immanence, Transcendence, Omnipotence and Shirk. <br /> <br /> Focusing on assessment objective one with 4 example exam questions and the end of the lesson. Use of quotes from scripture throughout to support 5 mark questions. <br /> <br /> Tasks include: analysing a quote, completing a flowchart on the importance and impact of tawhid and a card sort on immanence and transcendence. <br /> <br /> Enough content to cover 1-2 hour one hour lessons.
AshuraQuick View


A full lesson designed for AQA Religious Studies A exploring the Sunni - Shi'a split and Ashura. Would be suitable for other exam boards too. Contains enough content for at least an hour lesson with several student led activities and links to clips to explore how Ashura impacts on Muslims around the world today. Powerpoint and resources contains detailed subject knowledge.
Islam and Life After DeathQuick View

Islam and Life After Death

Resources created for the new AQA A Specification. The lesson focused on exploring belief is Risalah, the Day of Judgement, Jannah and Jahannam, Barzakh and Akhirah. <br /> <br /> Powerpoint contains extensive information. Useful to those not familiar with teaching Islam at this level. Activities include a key word match up, exploring quotes from scripture, creating a life after death timeline and a revision image activity. <br /> <br /> All images used are free of copyrights.
Eucharist and Holy WeekQuick View

Eucharist and Holy Week

Resources create for the new AQA A Specification. There is enough content to cover 2-3 hours and ensure an in depth understanding of the the Eucharist and how Christians celebrate Holy Weak. All resources are interactive. This is not just an information filled PowerPoint! <br /> <br /> The lesson begins by exploring what is meant by sacrament, discussing the different names for the Eucharist such as Mass, Divine Liturgy, describing the events of Holy Week and the Easter celebrations. <br /> <br /> Lesson Activities include a 5 mark explain question, watching a number of clips (all linked to youtube) with a question sheet, an information search task, an Easter True or False activity and two worksheets.<br /> <br /> All images used are free of copyrights.
Islam and Just WarQuick View

Islam and Just War

Resources create for the new AQA A Specification. There is enough content to cover 2-3 hours and ensure an in depth understanding of the Muslim response to War.<br /> The lesson begins by exploring an article entitled 'Does Religion Cause War?' with a set of comprehension questions. <br /> Lesson Activities include looking at the meaning of the term Jihad, exploring the meaning of quotes and the rules for war in Islam in addition to applying these rules to the Battles of Badr, Uhud and Trench. The end activity looks at Muhammad Ali's response to war with links to clips on YouTube. <br /> <br /> All images used are free of copyrights.
Revision Worksheets: AQA Legacy Unit 3 Religion and MoralityQuick View

Revision Worksheets: AQA Legacy Unit 3 Religion and Morality

Revision worksheets covering: <br /> Topic 1 – Matters of Life (Medical Ethics) <br /> Topic 2 – Elderly and Death<br /> Topic 4 – Crime and Punishment<br /> Topic 5 – Rich and Poor in British Society<br /> <br /> Includes example exam questions, quotes and writing frames. Some content could be reused for the new GCSE specifications.<br /> <br /> USE THE REVISION GUIDE ALONGSIDE THIS RESOURCE:
AQA Unit 3 and 4 example 6 mark answersQuick View

AQA Unit 3 and 4 example 6 mark answers

A selection of example answers for Unit 3 Religion and Morality and Unit 4 Religious Philosophy and Ultimate. Includes answers for the following questions: <br /> <br /> “Senior citizens are the most important members of society” <br /> “All types of cloning should be allowed”<br /> “Religious believers should not use fertility treatment” <br /> “Crime against the person is the worst type of crime”<br /> “Religious believers should not use fertility treatment”<br /> “It is impossible to solve the problem of evil” <br /> “There is no such thing as a soul”<br /> &quot;Miracles make God seem unfair”<br /> “God is the First Cause of the Universe”
Revision Guide: AQA Legacy Unit 3 Religion and MoralityQuick View

Revision Guide: AQA Legacy Unit 3 Religion and Morality

An extensive revision guide covering: <br /> Topic 1 – Matters of Life (Medical Ethics) <br /> Topic 2 – Elderly and Death<br /> Topic 4 – Crime and Punishment<br /> Topic 5 – Rich and Poor in British Society<br /> <br /> Includes example exam questions, quotes, arguments for and against each issues to use for evaluation questions. Some content could be reused for the new GCSE specifications.