The pirates next door English workQuick View

The pirates next door English work

2 weeks of activities based on the story the pirates next door. I have done this in year 1, focusing on adjectives of settings and retelling the story. Second week focuses of for and against text, supported by role play which my children really enjoyed and got into character. I hope your children enjoy this book as much as mine did.
counting in 2s and 5sQuick View

counting in 2s and 5s

A range of activities to secure the children’s knowledge of counting in 2 and 5 including a reasoning question
Lost in the Toy MuseumQuick View

Lost in the Toy Museum

Aimed for Year 1, simple sentences and sequencing events by using time conjunctions. Week 1 - Shared Write - retelling the story. Week 2 - Independent write - changing the setting and character. Week 3 - Non-Fiction Resources only
Non-Chorological report - Ancient EgyptQuick View

Non-Chorological report - Ancient Egypt

Lesson 1 - Features of the text (Indus Valley) Lesson 2 - Success Criteria Lesson 3 - Commas for a list (Places and people around Ancient Egypt) Lesson 4 - Subordinating Conjunctions Lesson 5 - Apostrophes for possession Lesson 6/7 - Plan/Research Lesson 8/9 - Draft Lesson 10 - Publish
The Iron Man newspaper report writingQuick View

The Iron Man newspaper report writing

I staged a crime scene that Iron Man broken into the school and the children had to write a newspaper report. They did other activities around this, but this is a great starting point to plan your unit. This includes a model, children’s plan and then writing frame, was blown up to A 3 for them to write on. please review
The MediterraneanQuick View

The Mediterranean

Component 1: Where exactly is the Mediterranean? Lesson 1 - Locating countries on a map Component 2: Which countries border the Mediterranean Sea and what do we know about them? Lesson 2: Research about 3 countries in the Mediterranean Lesson 3: Create a leaflet about 1 country (writing opportunity) Component 3: How do the human and physical features of the UK differ from those of the Mediterranean countries? Lesson 4: Mediterranean’s climate, human and physical features Lesson 5: Manchester’s climate, human and physical features Lesson 6: Compare Component 4: How can we compare and contrast a holiday resort on the Mediterranean with that of one in the UK? Lesson 7: Amalfi Coast Lesson 8: Tenby Lesson 9 - Compare and Contrast Component 5: What is Brexit and why is it important to know about it? Lesson 10 - Leaving the EU
Lost and Found Year 1Quick View

Lost and Found Year 1

These resources are based on 3 weeks of work. Week 1 - Retelling the original story Week 2 - Writing a postcard. The children will change the animal and setting and create their own journey taking the animal back home. Week 3 - Non friction writing pieces. List, label and a non-chronological about penguins.
Mountains, Volcanoes and EarthquakesQuick View

Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Component 1: How are mountains formed? Lesson 1: What do we know Lesson 2: How are mountains are formed? Lesson 3: Design a quiz about mountain types Component 2: Mountains around the world Lesson 4: Mountains in the UK Lesson 5: Snowdon Lesson 6: Mountains around the world Component 3: What a relief? Lesson 7: Relief activity Component 4: Earthquakes and Tsunamis Lesson 8: Earthquakes Lesson 9: Tsunamis Component 5: Volcanoes Lesson 10: Volcanoes Lesson 11: Volcanoes around the world Lesson 12: Advantages and Disadvantages of Volcanoes
Naughty BusQuick View

Naughty Bus

This English topic I have linked it to Toys History Topic or could link it to transport. This is based at the start of year 1, looking at simple sentence structure and nouns. There is 3 activities for each but expected to take more than 1 day on certain activities due to the time of the year. Recount - the naughty bus comes to school Instructions - How to rescue the naughty bus Narrative - Changing the character to a different toy e.g. naughty teddy bear. Also includes some independent writing materials for continuous provision
Eliot, Midnight SuperheroQuick View

Eliot, Midnight Superhero

KS1 English unit for 3 weeks linked with local heroes. Planning for week 1 and 2. Week 1 - Letter - Create a crime scene in your classroom and the children will write Eliot a letter asking for help. Week 2 - Narrative - The children will create a conic strip and write a story about their own superhero story. Week 3 - Poem - Using suffix est, children will create their own superhero and explain what they can do in a poem.
3 little pigs, alternative endings and storyQuick View

3 little pigs, alternative endings and story

This unit of week is over 3 week. week 1 looking at the traditional tale and retelling the story. Week 2, including D&T with the children creating their own house to write an alternative ending to the story. Week 3, looking at the fairy tale disaster and then the big bad wolf goes into the 3 bears instead of Goldilocks. This was done summer 2 in Year 1 but could be used in year 2.
Aliens love underpantsQuick View

Aliens love underpants

2 weeks of work based in Year 1. Children developed adjectives and the use of and in these weeks. In the second week the children created their own alien and planet and then created a comic strip about their own alien finding the magical underpants on their planet, beginning to create their own story.
Rigby Star Guided Reading (Tur, Pur, Gold)Quick View

Rigby Star Guided Reading (Tur, Pur, Gold)

Turquoise A home for Bonnie World of Sport The Giant Jumperee Perfect Pizza Korka the Mighty Elf Is the Owl wise? How music is made Changing shape Purple Forest Creatures The kings of the birds The elves and the shoemaker Pedal power Peanut Jumping Jack Cherokee little people Poles apart Space School The inventions of Thomas Edison Gold Animal heroes Art in the past Deadly Ice-cream factory Mantu Mythical creatures rollercoaster Emperor new clothes magic jigsaw the monster is coming tiger hunt
Meerkat Mail KS1Quick View

Meerkat Mail KS1

Planned for the first week back from Summer Holidays, but can be used after any holiday To write sentences about their holiday Instruct the story Write a postcard linked to the book Create own part of the story, writing a postcard
Whatever Next!Quick View

Whatever Next!

This package includes retelling the story, through picture maps and sequencing. It includes adjective work. This also includes a week planning of inviting guests to a picnic on the moon, writing invitations, designing their own picnic and acting out a moon landing. Optional assessed writing piece where the children will apply their knowledge of the story and space to write an adapted story. (See NoteBook)
Guided Reading Questions (Bl, Gr, Or)Quick View

Guided Reading Questions (Bl, Gr, Or)

Rigby Stars Blue band Vroom! 2. Mrs Mog’s Cats 3. Make your own monster 4. Josie’s new coat 5. I take care of my dog 6. Bully Bear 7. A ball called Sam Rigby Stars Green band Clever Chick 2. Animal feet 3. Josie goes on holiday 4. Stone Soup 5. The forest all year round 6. The singing giant 7. How does water change? Rigby Stars Orange band Forest Mini beasts 2. Where do all the puddles go? 3. A Hot Surprise 4. No ball games 5. Chloe the Chameleon offering questions and answers for children to complete during guided reading sessions
Dogger Year 1Quick View

Dogger Year 1

Autumn Term in Year 1, focusing on labels, captions and simple sentences. Week 1 - Label toys, favourite toy and writing a lost poster for Dogger. Week 2 - Retell the story using simple sentences. Additional resources Assessed piece of writing, reusing the planning of week 2 but changing the toy and where it lets lost. Poetry idea - What am I? Toys - use resources from Twinkl
The way, the truth and the life series - God's Great PlanQuick View

The way, the truth and the life series - God's Great Plan

Activities based on the planning. 2 lessons a week Assessment pieces after week 4 and week 6 Week 1 - beauty of God’s world Week 2 - Creation story - first lesson - create a collage. Second - story board Week 3 - First people Week 4 - Looking after our world Assessment Week 5 - Noak ark - retell and reflect Week 6 - Promise prayer linked with Noah ark Assessment