KS1 Science Unit 1B: Growing plantsQuick View

KS1 Science Unit 1B: Growing plants

This is the 8 week National Strategies unit squidged into 6 weeks. I think it has more practical/fun activities and a useful assessment thrown in. If you want me to add the resources then just add comments and I'll do it.
Roald Dahl Logic ProblemsQuick View

Roald Dahl Logic Problems

Help your class cement characters, setting and events in some of Roald Dahl's most enchanting books. Follow the instructions, adding ticks for yes and crosses for no, to fill in the entire puzzle. A fun an educational activity for your class. Aimed for KS2 and differentiated. Good for children who finish fast and for end of unit fun.
Space Logic ProblemQuick View

Space Logic Problem

Fancy an additional fun activity for your space topic but bored of word searches and mindfulness colouring? Try out this space themed logic problem. Aimed at KS2 this problem helps to cement some of the national curriculum objectives for UKS2 science. Place ticks for correct associations and crosses for incorrect associations. Can you complete the entire grid? It takes a bit of thinking and is perfect for those kids who whizz through everything.
The Marvellous 100Quick View

The Marvellous 100

This is a monthly grid-style times-tables test for the whole class - with answer sheets. <br /> Each month is different with September and October without the 11s and 12s to get them warmed up and not to intimidate the lower ability children.<br /> There are higher ability challenges for those who have mastered their times-tables but still applying the principals of multiplication.<br /> Columns on the left- and right-hand-side to accommodate left-handers.<br /> This assessment is intended for the children to challenge themselves to beat their last score and not as a way to rank themselves within the class.
Number FriendsQuick View

Number Friends

This is an activity which can be used for several things and you can add to it with your own questions. Each child has a number (differentiated). They have to meet up with other children (in pairs or small groups depending on the activity) and answer questions or do something physical. Good for end of year consolidation or for those days when they are not going to do well with desk work.
Giant Carroll Diagrams  (UKS2)Quick View

Giant Carroll Diagrams (UKS2)

Make 2 huge carroll diagrams on the playground with chalk or with masking tape inside. Use the subject headers and get the children to either stand in the space with answers written on white boards or use post-it notes with black markers. Children from the other group can come and see if anyone needs moving and you can throw out some numbers and ask where they go.