Computing Progression of SkillsQuick View

Computing Progression of Skills

<p>Progression of Skills for Computing, covering Y1 to Y6, to support planning and assessment in each of the 3 main strands of the Computing curriculum.<br /> The document breaks down the National Curriculum statements into identifiable skills in each unit of work - the units are compatible with Primary Schemes of work including National Centre for Computing Education.<br /> It helps teachers understand what to teach and track pupil progress making assessment judgements easier. The document has been reviewed and approved by Local Authority advisor for Computing.</p>
Y6 Maths Starters No. 1Quick View

Y6 Maths Starters No. 1

<p>A set of Maths lesson starter activities or SODA tasks for upper key stage 2 (Year 6) with answers. They provide a set of airthmetic based questions and cover a different topic each day. The tasks are differentiated where applicable. Used every day, these resources will improve key skills in a range of topics and ensure pupils are confident and competent with core mental maths skills. Daily arithmetic practice provides good preparation for end of key stage tests. The resource is available as a .pdf or as an ActivInspire Flipchart</p>
Weekly Maths Starter for Y6Quick View

Weekly Maths Starter for Y6

<p>These Maths starter activities or SODA tasks for upper key stage 2 (Year 6) with answers provide a set of airthmetic based questions and cover a different topic each day. The tasks are differentiated where applicable. Used every day, these resources will improve key skills in a range of topics and ensure pupils are confident and competent with core mental maths skills. Daily arithmetic practice provides good preparation for end of key stage tests. The resource is available as a .pdf or as an ActivInspire Flipchart</p>
Computing Skills - Engagement ModelQuick View

Computing Skills - Engagement Model

<p>Computing Progression of Skills for Engagement Model covering Computer Science and e-safety, Digital Literacy and Logical Thinking / Programming.<br /> Comprehension coverage of key skills needed across all areas of the new computing curriculum, to support assessment and curriculum planning.<br /> Assessment framework meets criteria for new curriculum and will support teachers in implementing a progressive and exciting curriculum that prepares pupils for Key Stage 1<br /> Included in the framework are skills for Y1, allowing teachers to see what comes after the Engagement Model to support transition of pupils into Key Stage 1.<br /> MS Word document - fully editable to allow users to make changes for own setting / curriculum</p>
Y5 Maths Starters No.1Quick View

Y5 Maths Starters No.1

<p>A set of Maths lesson starter activities or SODA tasks for upper key stage 2 (Year 5) with answers. They provide a set of airthmetic based questions and cover a different topic each day. The tasks are differentiated where applicable. Used every day, these resources will improve key skills in a range of topics and ensure pupils are confident and competent with core mental maths skills.</p>