Lesson on religious views on the aims of PunishmentQuick View

Lesson on religious views on the aims of Punishment

Lesson focuses on the views of Christians and Muslims about the 3 main aims of punishment (deterrence, reformation and retribution), and includes a summary task, an essay question, and 2 worksheets- one designed to encourage students to look at how different quotes can be used both for and against each aim, the other for lower ability students to explain how these quotes argue for each aim.
Resources on ParablesQuick View

Resources on Parables

Includes 2 lesson's worth of activities, including a &quot;create your own parable&quot; task, where students are asked to create their own parable and present them to their class, with a &quot;watcher's sheet&quot; for students to write notes about the other student's parables.<br /> <br /> Also includes a parable's knowledge checker, and an activity where students fill in a table about different parables in groups- Students were set homework to research one parable, and used the information they found to fill in a table of parables.<br /> <br /> The lost sheep parable is also included, edited so each verse can be cut out and spread around the room, so students have to find it in their groups, memorise it, and try to piece it back together in their groups.
Abrahamic religions beliefs in God similarities/differenceQuick View

Abrahamic religions beliefs in God similarities/difference

Venn diagram for similarities/differences on the beliefs in God from the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), with some notes on each as well.<br /> <br /> Students can use the additional notes to fill in the venn diagram.<br /> <br /> Powerpoint includes a quiz on some words that can describe God and instructions for the Venn diagram task.
Lesson on Censorship and Freedom of SpeechQuick View

Lesson on Censorship and Freedom of Speech

GCSE Religious Education lesson on Censorship and Freedom of Speech, for looking at religion and the media. Can be applied across a variety of subjects, however.<br /> <br /> Aims to give an overview of censorship and freedom of speech, along with some religious perspectives.<br /> <br /> Students look for information around the room to answer the higher- order thinking questions- this both lets the attain knowledge, but also develop skills.<br /> <br /> Powerpoint guides students through the lesson, beginning by asking them to write a speech on a relevant topic to the school, slowly being censored.<br /> <br /> Also includes statements on powerpoint to be shown to students, who are to take on the role of various Christian and Non-Christian roles who have different ideas on Freedom of Speech. Students to argue in groups about the statement in character, and to write views for each statement on a piece of A3.<br /> <br /> Lesson plan template included for plenary.
What is faithQuick View

What is faith

Powerpoint on the topic of &quot;What is Faith&quot; for Y7.<br /> <br /> Includes slides which contain fact files on famous Christians (Elizabeth Fry, William Wilberforce, Nelson Mandela, Bono and Lionel Messi) which can be used in an information find activity where students can look at how these people have used their faith in their lives.
Gospel differences (birth narratives) activityQuick View

Gospel differences (birth narratives) activity

A table for differences between Matthew and Luke's birth narratives.<br /> <br /> Includes differentiated summaries for each gospel's birth narrative, and some background notes on the gospels.<br /> <br /> Students can fill the table in using the summaries or the narratives in the bible.
Autism friendly Photography and photoshop guidesQuick View

Autism friendly Photography and photoshop guides

16 guides on various aspects of Photography and Photoshop, including Exposure, Aperture, Cropping and Depth of Field, differentiated for children with autism to help them understand GCSE Photography.<br /> Each guide uses simple vocabulary, and breaks the topic down into easy to understand sentences.<br /> Useful for revision or one-on-one lessons/interventions.
Lesson on Buddhist beliefs on Life after DeathQuick View

Lesson on Buddhist beliefs on Life after Death

Includes a powerpoint with a quiz on key terms for Buddhists beliefs of LAD, which can lead into a definition match cut-and-stick activity.<br /> <br /> Also includes a differentiated explanation of Buddhist beliefs on LAD, with some questions that increase in difficulty on this text, and extension tasks on the powerpoint.<br /> <br /> Powerpoint ends with the quiz from the start to enable teachers to check if students have understood the terms.<br /> <br /> Aimed at low ability Y9.
Nature of God in Hinduism through deitiesQuick View

Nature of God in Hinduism through deities

Students begin by putting the deity cards into a &quot;diamond 9&quot;, which is modeled on the powerpoint. This is to encourage discussion about the different deities and what they represent.<br /> <br /> Students are then given the sheet with the deities on it, and asked to write down the links between each deity, to begin thinking of the deities as all a part of the same God- Brahman.<br /> <br /> Students are then asked to sum up all the deities- this should be tricky, highlighting the need for Hindus to break down Brahman into the deities
Martin Luther King activitiesQuick View

Martin Luther King activities

Question tasks on the topic of Martin Luther King, differentiated for ability.<br /> <br /> Includes an easy to read text that outlines MLK's life and importance, while being easy to access for low ability students.<br /> <br /> Also includes questions to be answered while watching a biography video that can be found on youtube by searching &quot;Martin Luther King bio&quot;.
Christianity and racism lesson, using Good SamaritanQuick View

Christianity and racism lesson, using Good Samaritan

Bible quotes with questions that can be printed out and distributed in the class- quotes can be at the front of the classroom with students moving to get a new one each time they complete the questions of one.<br /> <br /> Also includes PowerPoint with ideas for using the Good Samaritan parable to engage students with the topic of racism.
Lesson on Is Christianity Sexist?Quick View

Lesson on Is Christianity Sexist?

Lesson on Is Christianity Sexist?<br /> <br /> Powerpoint included outlines the lesson.<br /> <br /> There is one worksheet with a list of bible references, space for the student to write if it promotes equality or is sexist, and why, with space at the end to add any additional information.<br /> <br /> There is also some quotes/references with additional detail- students to be given one of these, and fill it in on their table. They will move around and swap each reference.<br /> <br /> Challenge questions for homework in previous lesson which can be reviewed in this one, or set here.
Short lesson on New TestamentQuick View

Short lesson on New Testament

This lesson focuses on the New Testament, and what is in it. The lesson starts by going through some facts about the New Testament, and ends in a Silent debate, where statements can be found on the lesson plan.
Mul MantraQuick View

Mul Mantra

Lesson on the Mul Mantra for KS3, focusing on the concept of God.<br /> <br /> Students begin by considering what God may be like, before being shown the Mul Mantra with some words missing, and asked to fill in the gaps.<br /> <br /> Students then given the Mul Mantra, and use it to explain Sikh beliefs about God.<br /> <br /> Reflection questions included on powerpoint, and a venn diagram included for students to compare with what they now know Sikhs believe about God with what other religions believe- adapt as appropriate for topics school has looked at.
Lesson on MiraclesQuick View

Lesson on Miracles

Lesson focuses on Jesus' miracles, starting with a slideshow of things which may or may not be miracles- students to choose which they are and explain why.<br /> <br /> Students are then to complete a table of miracles using Bibles- giving an explanation of an assortment of miracles Jesus performed.<br /> <br /> Suggested homework attached is an essay plan comparing the miracles to parables.<br /> <br /> Also includes some extended questions.
True/False lawsQuick View

True/False laws

List of laws for students to guess if they are true or false. Good starter when looking at laws in society. Includes information about these &quot;odd laws&quot; for additional explanation.
Portrayal of Christianity in the MediaQuick View

Portrayal of Christianity in the Media

Lesson on the portrayals of Christianity in the Media.<br /> <br /> Includes 11 detailed examples of Christianity in the Media, designed for students to search and find information and add to their table.<br /> <br /> Also includes a PowerPoint with higher-order thinking questions and easy to understand instructions for students.
KS3/4 Essay success criteria and feedback formQuick View

KS3/4 Essay success criteria and feedback form

The Assessment criteria feedback form can be given to students at the start of an essay, so they know what to be doing in their essay. It can be adapted to have whatever question is being asked in the top box, and the criteria can also be adapted to give more or less hints to students.<br /> <br /> The first slide explains this to students.<br /> <br /> When it comes to marking, tick a box in the green, orange or red column depending on how well you think the student did in each success criteria. There are &quot;what went well&quot; and &quot;even better if&quot; boxes at the bottom for more specific feedback. There is a space for the student to respond in the &quot;next I will&quot; box.<br /> <br /> The second slide explains this to students.