AQA GCSE PE 6+9 Mark exam question scaffoldsQuick View

AQA GCSE PE 6+9 Mark exam question scaffolds

<p>The scaffolds have been used to help AQA GCSE PE students structure and write detailed and high quality 6/9 mark question responses.<br /> As students have become more confident, less scaffolding has been given and the question prompts at the side have been reduced/removed completely; provide them with an empty table and get them to come up the prompt questions.<br /> Command words have also been linked to the assessment objectives to highlight the level of detail required to meet the criteria.</p>
GCSE PE Revision sheetsQuick View

GCSE PE Revision sheets

<p>This pack contains 6 revision sheets for GCSE PE and includes the following paper 2 topics:</p> <ul> <li>Health, Fitness and Well-being</li> <li>Skill and ability</li> <li>Goal setting</li> <li>Information processing</li> <li>Barriers to participation/engagement patterns</li> <li>Aggression and personality</li> </ul>
Gymnastics - balancesQuick View

Gymnastics - balances

<p>Differentiated teaching card which allows students to experiment with different individual balances.</p>
AQA GCSE PE Coursework Structure GuideQuick View

AQA GCSE PE Coursework Structure Guide

<p>This document helps PE students on the AQA GCSE PE course structure their written coursework assessment. It was really helpful as it ensured that they included all of the key elements in it.</p>
GCSE PE Diet and NutritionQuick View

GCSE PE Diet and Nutrition

<p>Included is a lesson PowerPoint presentation which covers everything the students need to know regarding Diet and Nutrition. The meal plan sheet was then used for homework to solidify what they had learned regarding a balanced diet and the final resource was a good revision tool which recapped the different food types.</p>
GCSE PE Spectator behaviour/hooliganismQuick View

GCSE PE Spectator behaviour/hooliganism

<p>This lesson PowerPoint covers all the necessary content surrounding spectator behaviour and Hooliganism for GCSE PE. It is an interactive lesson and includes engaging tasks and video relevant to the topic.</p>
PE + Games - remote learning - Year 7/8Quick View

PE + Games - remote learning - Year 7/8

<p>I have created an easy to follow exercise programme which I am using for the basis of my remote learning teaching. The training programme includes activities that can be carried out inside/in a garden and gives the student some independence in their learning. It is easy to use and follow and can be easily adapted to suit the needs of your students.</p>
U11 Netball ProgrammeQuick View

U11 Netball Programme

<p>I designed this coaches pack to assist my U11 coaches with every aspect of their role including planning, match reflections and delivery. It covers a period of 8 weeks and includes a step by step session plan across the period.<br /> It is a great resource for beginner/more experienced coaches as well as teachers, as it contains a number of fun/developmental skills and drills for the U11 age group.</p>
PE + Games - remote learning - Year5/6Quick View

PE + Games - remote learning - Year5/6

<p>I have created an easy to follow exercise programme which I am using for the basis of my remote learning teaching. The training programme includes activities that can be carried out inside/in a garden and gives the student some independence in their learning. It is easy to use and follow and can be easily adapted to suit the needs of your students.</p>
Football - controlling an aerial ballQuick View

Football - controlling an aerial ball

<p>Three different teaching aids which focus on three different ways of controlling an aerial ball in Football.<br /> The cards encourage peer assessment and coaching and incorporate differentiation through the inclusion of individual challenges.</p>
AQA GCSE PE Paper 2 SOW'sQuick View


<p>The first document gives a lesson by lesson overview of the suggested structure of delivery for paper 2. The second document was given to every PE student to put in their folder and tick off as they covered each topic. This was also useful for them for revision as it highlighted all the key areas they needed to know for paper 2.</p>
GCSE PE CommercialisationQuick View

GCSE PE Commercialisation

<p>This PowerPoint covers all the specification content surrounding commercialisation in sport. It was delivered across 3 x 50 minutes lessons.</p>
Trampolining - shaped jumpsQuick View

Trampolining - shaped jumps

<p>This teaching aid is an excellent resource for beginner trampolinists which helps them to identify the correct technique for the different shaped jumps. It encourages independent and group learning and helps to identify the key teaching points of each skill.<br /> The plenary resource helps to assess the learning that has taken place with regards to their knowledge of the key skills, it also provides an opportunity for self reflection.</p>
PE + Games - remote learning - year 3/4Quick View

PE + Games - remote learning - year 3/4

<p>I have created an easy to follow exercise programme which i am using for the basis of my remote learning teaching. The training programme includes activities that can be carried out inside/in a garden and gives the student some independence in their learning. It is easy to use and follow and can be easily adapted to suit the needs of your students.</p>
5-day stay at home fitness challengeQuick View

5-day stay at home fitness challenge

<p>The 5-day stay at home challenge focuses on different muscle groups each day and can be performed with no equipment in the home.<br /> I set this alongside my normal PE lessons to ensure that my students were staying active every day.</p>