Maths Whole Unit - Y3 Multiplication and Division - Flipcharts and ResourcesQuick View

Maths Whole Unit - Y3 Multiplication and Division - Flipcharts and Resources

<p>Whole unit of maths based on addition and subtraction for year 3, including flipcharts, questions, scaffolds and challenges for each of the following objectives:<br /> • To use concrete and pictorial methods for multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number<br /> • To be able to use a formal method for multiplication (2 digit by 1 digit)<br /> • To use concrete and pictorial methods for dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number<br /> • To be able to use a formal method for division (2 digit by 1 digit)<br /> • To be able to use scaling to solve simple problems (use bar models)<br /> • To be able to find all possible combinations from a set of two objects</p>
Maths Unit - Y3 Addition and Subtraction - Flipcharts and ResourcesQuick View

Maths Unit - Y3 Addition and Subtraction - Flipcharts and Resources

<p>Whole unit of maths, including flipcharts, questions, scaffolds and challenges for each of the following objectives:<br /> • To be able to mentally add and subtract a ones number to a 3 digit number<br /> • To be able to mentally add and subtract a tens number to a 3 digit number<br /> • To be able to mentally add and subtract a hundreds number to a 3 digit number<br /> • To be able to use column addition with numbers with up to 3 digits<br /> • To be able to use column subtraction with numbers with up to 3 digits<br /> • To be able to use the inverse to check addition and subtraction calculations<br /> • To be able to estimate the answer to a calculation.<br /> • To be able to solve addition and subtraction problems, including missing number problems</p>
Maths Scheme - Y3 Place Value - Flipcharts and ResourcesQuick View

Maths Scheme - Y3 Place Value - Flipcharts and Resources

<p>Pack includes recap slides based on a range of skills, flipcharts and resources (including scaffolds and challenges) for each of the following objectives:<br /> • To be able to read and write numbers with up to 3 digits<br /> • To understand the place value of each digit in a 3 digit number<br /> • To be able to compare numbers with up to 3 digits<br /> • To be able to order numbers with up to 3 digits<br /> • To be able to identify, represent and estimate numbers to 1000 on a number line<br /> • To be able to find 10 more or 10 less than any given number<br /> • To be able to find 100 more or 100 less than any given number</p>