A flowchart which allows you to see if you can remember the reagents and conditions for all the organic reactions in AS Chemistry A (OCR). Answers also provided as a check.
Revision of chemical bonding, intermolecular bonding, shapes of molecules, partial ionic/covalent bonding, structure of solids and their physical properties.
A summary of the two organic mechanisms that are needed for OCR Chemistry A (F324) - this links with the summary of the three mechanisms needed for OCR AS (F322) Chemistry A
<p>These sheets show all the organic reactions for OCR Chemistry specification H432</p>
<p>Suggest you give students the blank sheets to do themselves and then give them the answer sheets later to check.</p>
<p>Can be printed A4 or A3.</p>
<p>This is an updated resource from those I produced some years ago - let me know if you spot any errors or omissions.</p>
<p>It should be a good revision resource.</p>
<p>You could ask students to produce their own charts based on aliphatic organic compounds with three carbon atoms.</p>