Christmas AQA Language Analysis and Speech WritingQuick View

Christmas AQA Language Analysis and Speech Writing

<p>This activity combines Language Paper 1, question 2 and Language Paper 2, question 3. Students are asked to analyse a range of lyrics from a multitude of Christmas songs. Sentence starters included but can be removed if desired.<br /> Students are also given a statement around whether Christmas should be every day in conjunction with Language Paper 2, question 5.</p>
AQA Christmas WritingQuick View

AQA Christmas Writing

<p>This acitivity includes two writing activities based on both Language papers.</p> <p>Some short examples of each are included to help students understand the difference in content followed by a Christmas SPAG check to remind students of some of the AO6 elements they need to use.</p>
Language Paper 2 - Halloween inspiredQuick View

Language Paper 2 - Halloween inspired

<p>I have created an AQA GCSE Language inspired Paper 2 based around the topic of ghosts, in preparation for Halloween.</p> <p>Some sentence starters included with question 1-4.</p>
AQA GCSE Language practiseQuick View

AQA GCSE Language practise

<p>I have included short chunks of texts with questions underneath, directly indicating what question in Language Paper 1 it refers to, Includes Q1-5.</p>
Summarising the differences - CannabisQuick View

Summarising the differences - Cannabis

<p>I work in a Secondary Alternative Provision.<br /> I have created a Language Paper 2, Question 2 and 3 with sentence starters which has worked very well with class of boys in Years 10 and 11.<br /> Q2 - summarising the differences.<br /> Q3 - language analysis.<br /> AQA 8700/2 English Language.</p>
GCSE Language Paper 1 Revision GuideQuick View

GCSE Language Paper 1 Revision Guide

<p>I have used the extracts from the AQA June 2021 series (Language Paper 1) and AQA June 2017 series (Language Paper 2) in order to put together my revision guides. I work in an Alternative Provision so created something that was informative and easy to follow as a lot of guides online are too wordy for my students. I hope this is useful! Language Paper 2 guide is also available.</p>
GCSE English Language Paper 2 Revision GuideQuick View

GCSE English Language Paper 2 Revision Guide

<p>I have used the extracts from the AQA June 2021 series (Language Paper 1) and AQA June 2017 series (Language Paper 2) in order to put together my revision guides. I work in an Alternative Provision so created something that was informative and easy to follow as a lot of guides online are too wordy for my students. I hope this is useful! Language Paper 1 guide is also available.</p>
AQA Language Paper 2 - Violent Video GamesQuick View

AQA Language Paper 2 - Violent Video Games

<p>Trialled and tested with a challenging class of boys in an Alternative Provision.</p> <p>Two articles based on violent video games accompanied by reading questions 1-4 and a writing question 5. All linked to the AQA 8700 exmainations.</p> <p>The first article is highlighted to allow students to label examples of DAFORREST as a starter activity. Students can do the same for the second article independently creating a key of their own.</p>
Functional Skills and GCSE writing tasks based around dogs!Quick View

Functional Skills and GCSE writing tasks based around dogs!

<p>I have created 2 documents for students that I work with in an Alternative Provision.</p> <p>They absolutely adore dogs and we are working on the the writing component of Functional Skills.</p> <p>The Functional Skills writing tasks are appropriate for Entry Level 3/Level 1 and includes: email writing and a letter of complaint.</p> <p>The higher ability writing document included asks students to: pick an image and write a description and respond to a statement about dogs as pets. This higher level document also includes an example lively article around vaping so that students can see what a good one looks like.</p> <p>It has been extremely successful with my students so hopefully will interest other learners out there!</p>
Language Paper 1 help sheetQuick View

Language Paper 1 help sheet

<p>I work in an Alternative Provision and find these really help students with their understanding of each question. The sample answers are taken from an AQA mock paper and have been slightly amended to suit my cohort of students.</p> <p>I have these laminated so that I can give the appropriate sheet out depending what skills we are working on.</p> <p>I hope they are useful!</p>
AQA Language Paper 1 revision guideQuick View

AQA Language Paper 1 revision guide

<p>I work in an Alternative Provision and have created a revision guide to help students understand the concepts for AQA GCSE Language Paper 1.</p> <p>This booklet contains exemplar answers for each question.</p> <p>I hope you find it useful! Stay tuned for Language Paper 2…</p>