AQA English Language Paper 2 Q3: Maya AngelouQuick View

AQA English Language Paper 2 Q3: Maya Angelou

A whole lesson on AQA Paper 2 of the New Specification GCSE English Language. Students are guided through understanding the mark scheme for this question, and work together to analyse an extract from Maya Angeou's 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings', before they answer a mock Q3 on the extract. This takes 2-3 hours to teach, or materials could be adapted into revision.<br /> <br /> The lesson is on one powerpoint, and the extract is a single A4 Word document.
AQA Paper 1 Question 4- 2 Double LessonsQuick View

AQA Paper 1 Question 4- 2 Double Lessons

<p>Two lessons focusing specifically on AQA’s Paper 1, Question 4. One lesson is on an extract from ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ by Jean Rhys and the other is based on an extract from ‘Dracula’ by Bram Stoker. Each lesson guides students through how to construct an answer and meet the requirements of the mark scheme. Both lessons include an opening of an example answer for students to assess, using the success criteria, and then continue. Overall, there are 2 lesson powerpoints, 2 extracts and 2 worksheets.</p>
AQA Love Through The Ages text comparison lessons - pre-1900 poetry and AtonementQuick View

AQA Love Through The Ages text comparison lessons - pre-1900 poetry and Atonement

Each of the 4 worksheets contains extracts from 2 Pre-1900 poems and 'Atonement' by Ian McEwan. The powerpoint provides a format to guide students through using the sheets in stages to make detailed comparisons. Two of the worksheets require students to select an extract from a second poem themselves.<br /> <br /> Each sheet would take about an hour to work through, with the powerpoint guidance, and the assessment question at the end of the powerpoint could be used as a plenary or a homework.<br /> <br /> The sheets are best printed to A3, but can be used on A4.
AQA Paper 1: 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Lessons on Questions 1-4Quick View

AQA Paper 1: 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Lessons on Questions 1-4

<p>Clear step-by-step lessons on answering Paper 1, questions 1-4. There is a powerpoint for each question, and each one is based on the same extract from ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. Students also have generic mark schemes to use in peer and self-assessment. All together, there are 4 powerpoints, 3 mark schemes and a copy of the extract. The answers to the question 1 are on the powerpoint.</p>
AQA Paper 1 Creative Reading Homework bookletQuick View

AQA Paper 1 Creative Reading Homework booklet

A 33 page homework booklet with extracts and tasks. Each extract is accompanied by a task on vocabulary, and then mini-exam tasks on questions 1-4 to follow. Extracts are taken from 'A Vendetta' by Guy de Maupassant, 'The Phantom Coach' by Amelia B. Edwards, 'The Judge's House' by Bram Stoker, 'The Lost Hearts' by M. R. James, 'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte and two extracts from 'The Woman in Black' by Susan Hill. Lines for students to write on are provided, and there is a grid in the back for them to track what they have completed. I use this as a homework booklet, however it could also be used in small group intervention.
AQA GCSE English Language: four mock Paper 1sQuick View

AQA GCSE English Language: four mock Paper 1s

<p>There are four mock Paper 1s in this collection. Two are based on extracts from ‘The Day of the Triffids’ by John Wyndham, one is based on an extract from ‘Wise Blood’ by Flannery O’Connor and the last is based on an extract from ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee. For copyright reasons I have had to remove the pictures.</p>
AQA A Level Love Through The Ages Mock PapersQuick View

AQA A Level Love Through The Ages Mock Papers

<p>There are two papers in this collection. They focus on ‘Othello’ for Section A, Section B is unseen poetry and Section C offers students a choice of two questions. For Section C students must compare texts.</p>
AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 Booklets: Repeated PractiseQuick View

AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 Booklets: Repeated Practise

<p>There are four booklets in this collection. Each one is on one question for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2. Questions 2 - 5 are covered. Each booklet has a series of mini extracts, each pair of extracts has a question and the opening of an answer. Students would label the opening of the answer to consider how skills are modelled, and then continue the response. The success criteria for the labelling is also in the booklet. These are ideal for homework, intervention or as class readers. I have used them following a mock exam to support students in focusing on the question that is their key concern.</p>
AQA Paper 1 Extracts Booklet with mock Q.1-4Quick View

AQA Paper 1 Extracts Booklet with mock Q.1-4

This booklet is for the new AQA English Language Paper 1 exam. It is 20 pages long and contains 10 extracts, including extracts from texts such as 'Wide Sargasso Sea', 'Oscar and Lucinda' and 'Treasure Island'. In the back of the booklet are mock questions 1-4 on each extract, a page of vocabulary and comprehension tasks and a grid for recording structural techniques for Q.03. This could be used as a basis for lessons, or as a revision resource for students to take home. More challenging vocabulary in the extracts is in bold and underlined to aid planning.
AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 Booklets: Repeated PractiseQuick View

AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 Booklets: Repeated Practise

<p>There are three booklets in this collection. Each one is on one question for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1. Questions 2 - 4 are covered. Each booklet has a series of mini extracts, each with a question and the opening of an answer. Students would label the opening of the answer to consider how skills are modelled, and then continue the response. The success criteria for the labelling is also in the booklet. These are ideal for homework, intervention or as class readers. I have used them following a mock exam to support students in focusing on the question that is their key concern.</p>
'An Inspector Calls' Revision: 3 lessons and key quotes homework.Quick View

'An Inspector Calls' Revision: 3 lessons and key quotes homework.

Based on the new AQA specification, these three lessons specifically focus on recapping key contextual points and the character development of Eric and Mrs Birling. There is a homework sheet to hand out in the first lesson with 16 key quotes to learn - covering all of the characters - from across the play. Each quote is accompanied by a quick explanation of its significance and the writer's methods. There is a mini-test on the quotes (with answers) in the second lesson on the powerpoint, and then an A4 sheet to fill in as a test in the third lesson. All together, there is a powerpoint with 3 lessons on it, a homework, a test on the homework and 2 worksheets.
KS3 creative writing module bookletQuick View

KS3 creative writing module booklet

A workbook that would suit KS3 or low ability Y9. The booklet contains every task to guide students through producing a detailed and high quality short story across a half term. It could be used immediately with no further planning. I used this with an intervention class in Y8, and then published the stories they produced from it in a booklet for the school library. <br /> Skills covered range from punctuation and sentence types, to vocabulary, similes and metaphors. Alternatively, it could be the basis for long-term small group intervention, or used as a very prescriptive homework booklet with slight adaptions. The story is set in a theatre in Elizabeth an London, so would be ideal for students who have recently studied Shakespeare.<br /> <br /> The booklet is 19 pages long, and includes self-assessment and improvement tasks.
AQA English Language Paper 1 Revision: Questions 2-4 (lesson and mock paper)Quick View

AQA English Language Paper 1 Revision: Questions 2-4 (lesson and mock paper)

<p>The powerpoint takes students through revising Paper 1 questions 2-4 on an extract from ‘Wise Blood’ by Flannery O’Connor. They are guided through discussing, annotating and making notes on questions 2-4, and then have the paper (including question 1) to either complete in class or at home for revision. There was originally a Q5 task, but I could not put this on with the picture for copyright reasons. I have used this with my own students, and colleagues have found it to be very successful. The lesson generally takes one and a half hours to go through and students need to be already familiar with Paper 1 to be comfortable with the tasks.</p>
'Of Mice and Men' Inference SpiralsQuick View

'Of Mice and Men' Inference Spirals

These 4 worksheets are suitable for Years 8 - 10. Each one structures detailed analysis of a single quote, and guides students towards making more perceptive interpretations.<br /> <br /> I have used these worksheets to structure mini exam answers for very low ability Y9 students, and to model detailed and perceptive analysis to be used with other quotes for older and more able students. Ideally, they should be printed on A3, but they can be used on A4, or as a writing frame for work in exercise books.
AQA Viewpoints and Perspectives: Booklet of sources with tasks and mock paper + guided mock paperQuick View

AQA Viewpoints and Perspectives: Booklet of sources with tasks and mock paper + guided mock paper

<p>There are two lengthy resources in this collection. Firstly, there is a 28 page booklet of non-fiction extracts. These include extracts from the writing of Mary Seacole, Barack Obama, Asenath Nicholson, Henry Mayhew, Kate Adie, Laurie Lee, Charles Dickens, Sir Richard Burton and Roald Dahl among others. In this booklet there is also an additional collection of shorter extracts with comprehension and comparison tasks at the beginning, as well as a mock paper. The other resource is a mock Paper 2 - based on two shorter extracts from the booklet - with additional activities to enable students to plan and write answers for homework.</p>