Whiplash SOW Film Studies GCSEQuick View

Whiplash SOW Film Studies GCSE

<p>Full Scheme of Work for Whiplash looking at the review section of the exam paper and ending in an assessment<br /> Made for students studying Eduqas GCSE film studies</p>
Film Studies Component 3 practiseQuick View

Film Studies Component 3 practise

<code>7 weeks of 'short shorts' (short films lasting 8 minutes or less) to watch with the students and then ask them to plan and then film and edit a short film to do with a theme from the short they have just watched. I do this every Friday and we call it 'filming fridays' to help them prepare for their coursework and get used to planning and filming ahead of their deadline</code>
Dragon's Den Film EditionQuick View

Dragon's Den Film Edition

<p>Dragons Den style pitch to pitch a film idea - useful for students to complete research into how films are made and how much they cost etc before pitching their own idea for a film</p>
Language Paper 1 walkthroughQuick View

Language Paper 1 walkthrough

<p>9 lessons walking GCSE students through AQA Language paper 1</p> <p>Each lesson looks at a different question with a different extracts from various books ranging from Ready Player One to Jaws</p> <p>All extracts included in the pack as well as individualised powerpoint presentations to carefully introduce the paper to students and walk them through it a step at a time</p>
Submarine Mise-En-Scene LessonQuick View

Submarine Mise-En-Scene Lesson

<p>Specifically designed for the Eduquas Film Studies GCSE, this lesson introduces students to Mise-En-Scene using the focus film Submarine as an example.</p> <p>You will look at a scene from the beginning of the film and analyse it eventually looking into the aesthetic of the film in preparation for the exam question</p>
Mise-en-scene introductionQuick View

Mise-en-scene introduction

<p>One off lesson introducing students to Mise-En-Scene using The Book Of Eli as an example</p> <p>A section of the lesson involves watching the first 15 minutes of the film - this can be found on Amazon Prime</p>