FAMILY MEMBERS in French (family tree of the Bonapartes)Quick View

FAMILY MEMBERS in French (family tree of the Bonapartes)

Learning family vocabulary from authentic material: family tree of the Bonapartes. Worksheet contains family tree and ten statements on which students have to decide whether they are "vrai ou faux". Then they have to rewrite the false statements. Secondary learning objective to this exercise is also of sociocultural nature: students get to know one of the important families that shaped french history. Vocabulary needed for this exercise stretches to in-laws, nephews and oldest/youngest child. Resource contains one worksheet in pdf and word.


Easy reading comprehension activity for beginners. Students read a short text with six paragraphs talking about the city of Paris. They have to choose a title for each paragraph from the eight given titles.
Dossier: LA FAMILLEQuick View


Dossier for vocabulary on family members. It starts with a family tree of a boy named Jacques. Students first take a look at the family tree and then read its presentation. They describe the relationships in Jacques' family in five phrases. Dossier includes a glossary that students need to fill out on their own. In the following activity they make their own family tree. Students then take part in oral expression activity: in pairs, they talk about their family. They can help themselves with a series of questions. In the final activity they describe a family tree of Winston Churchill in at least eight phrases. Dossier is suitable for beginners, level A1. Learning objectives are vocabulary (family), reading comprehension, oral and written expression, development of strategies of comprehension. Nine page dossier is available in ppt and pdf format.
ADJECTIF QUALICATIF (feminine and plural forms with all the exceptions)Quick View

ADJECTIF QUALICATIF (feminine and plural forms with all the exceptions)

Three page document contains detailed list for French "Adjectif qualificatif": forming feminine forms of adjectives with all the exceptions and plural forms with the few exceptions. The document is very clear and serves as support when learning grammar rules. Deductive grammar learning document with exercise of description writing at the end. Suitable for revision. Destined to beginners as a support document: a place to check when you come upon an example you do not how to solve. Also suitable for students with a solid base in French, who wish to revise.
Verbes en -ER: EXCEPTIONS (appeler,  lancer,  manger,  appuyer)Quick View

Verbes en -ER: EXCEPTIONS (appeler, lancer, manger, appuyer)

Worksheet for practising conjugation of verbs appeler, lancer, manger, appuyer. It consists of two exercises. The first one contains ten phrases with missing form of the verb in the brackets (standard exercise). The second one contains images that depict six of the phrases in the previous exercise. Students have to rewrite a phrase that corresponds a certain image. Resource includes one worksheet in docx and pdf as well.
FRENCH: MOTS PASSE-PARTOUT (Introductory activity in French language)Quick View

FRENCH: MOTS PASSE-PARTOUT (Introductory activity in French language)

Starting a new language can be challenging, so it is important to emphasise the knowledge students already have. This is a fun scrabble-like introductory activity that focuses on "mots passe-partout": words familiar in many different languages often deriving from English. Students have to find the word from mixed-up letters with help of the images on the worksheet. Suitable for the very first lesson of French. Beginner level, A1. Designed for teens and adults alike. Very appropriate for kinaesthetic student. Resource contains three documents (available both in pdf and docx): worksheet (for students), printable words and instructions (for teachers).