Two task card documents to help teach the 100m and 200m. They should be printed back to back and laminated or uploaded to iPads and used by pupils to check running technique against.
A worksheet that should be used in a practical GCSE PE lesson where pupils calculate their own Target Zones and then apply the information, using subject specific key words.
A worksheet that can be put onto an interactive whiteboard or printed off for individual pupils or small groups of pupils. Pupils will read the differentiated learning outcomes and can write their name in the circle where they think their current knowledge is (or use a post-it note). At the end of the lesson, or during the lesson in a mini-plenary, encourage pupils to move the post-it notes or re-write their name to see if they have made progress. Ideally pupils should move from left to right. <br />
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The sheet also provides an area for pupils to write down the key words learnt ( which could be expanded on with definitions) and also provides an area where pupils can write down anything they didn't understand. The teacher could gather this feedback and use it to link to the next topic at the beginning of the subsequent lesson.
Two lessons focussing on Methods of Presenting Practice and Types of Practice. Lessons include practical tasks to engage pupils and apply theoretical concepts.
This is an entire PowerPoint for Component 2 (2.2). It includes AFL work using a green pen strategy whereby pupils communicate their learning to themselves, others and the teacher.
A fantastic interactive lesson for GCSE PE pupils to help them revise the Physical Training unit within the Edexcel Specification. <br />
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- Laminate the Zone Cards <br />
- Print out the answer sheets so pupils can peer assess<br />
- Link AO1, AO2 and AO3 tasks to specific pupils in mixed-ability groups to show differentiation and challenge pupils.<br />
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