Rhythm FlashcardsQuick View

Rhythm Flashcards

A set of 22 four-beat rhythms using minims, crotchets, and quavers.<br /> <br /> These flashcards can be used in a variety of ways over KS2, KS3, and KS4.<br /> * Clapping rhythms on flashcards as part of lessons on rhythmic notation<br /> * Introduction to rhythmic dictation (finding the rhythm that has just been played/clapped)<br /> * Prompts for composition ideas<br /> The flashcards can also be used in instrumental lessons to develop understanding and recognition of rhythmic notation.<br /> <br /> The flashcards can be used separately (each A4 page should be split horizontally to form two rhythm cards), or spiral bound to turn into a rhythm flip chart.
Little Donkey for Beginner String EnsembleQuick View

Little Donkey for Beginner String Ensemble

The well-known Christmas Carol, Little Donkey, arranged for flexible beginner string ensemble (up to Grade 1). A simple arrangement which can be prepared in a short time for those last minute Christmas performances.<br /> <br /> There are 3 parts for each instrument (2 for double bass) - melody, harmony, and an open string part. This allows for all children to have a part suitable for their ability, even those who have only recently started lessons. <br /> <br /> Parts could also be adapted for/played by other instruments depending on the ability of the student.
Drunken Sailor for Beginner String EnsembleQuick View

Drunken Sailor for Beginner String Ensemble

The traditional sea shanty 'Drunken Sailor' arranged for flexible beginner string ensemble (up to Grade 1). Ideal for school concerts and mixed ability group instrumental lessons.<br /> <br /> Parts are differentiated to allow for different abilities to play together. An open string part is available for each instrument for those players who have only recently begun learning.<br /> <br /> Violin 1, 2, 3, open strings<br /> Viola 1, 2, 3, open strings<br /> Cello 1, 2,3, open strings<br /> Bass, open strings
Music Chain GamesQuick View

Music Chain Games

Three chain games - listening key words, terms and instructions, and orchestral instruments.<br /> <br /> These chain games can be used as plenaries or revision aids in KS3 and KS4.<br /> <br /> Each pupil is given a Q&amp;A card (G&amp;T pupils may be given more than one card depending on the number of pupils in the class). All questions and answers will link on from one another until it finally returns back to the first person again. Teachers may find it useful to have a 'prompt sheet' to keep check of the chain and help pupils should they struggle with any answers.<br /> <br /> * Terms and instructions game could also be used with instrumental pupils with regards to theory and/or sight-reading tests.<br /> * Orchestral instruments game could also be used in KS2.
Musical Instrument FlashcardsQuick View

Musical Instrument Flashcards

These flashcards can be used as a starter and/or plenary in KS2 and KS3.<br /> <br /> Pupils match up the picture of the instrument with the corresponding instrument name. This could be played as a simple matching exercise, or for more advanced students, turned into a game of pairs or snap. The instruments can then be categorised into the different instrument families.
Musical Symbols FlashcardsQuick View

Musical Symbols Flashcards

These flashcards can be used as a starter and/or plenary in KS3 and KS4, or in instrumental and/or music theory classes. <br /> <br /> Pupils match up the symbol with the corresponding name. This could be played as a simple matching exercise, or for more advanced students, turned into a game of pairs or snap.