Mastery DisplayQuick View

Mastery Display

A set of resources to create a mastery display based on magic. Included in this pack is a display title, display pictures and mastery foci.<br /> Some of the foci are:<br /> * rocks and soils<br /> * plants<br /> * geography - countries in the UK, North and South America and Europe;<br /> * stone age to iron age<br /> * light<br /> * electricity
Mastery QuizzesQuick View

Mastery Quizzes

A selection of quizzes to develop mastery in geology, geography, rocks and soils, electricity and plants.
Flashcards for Phonics - Sets 1, 2 and 3Quick View

Flashcards for Phonics - Sets 1, 2 and 3

This resource pack is made up of 3 sets of flashcards for children who are learning phonics. Each card has the sound highlighted in green, a sentence with the sound highlighted in green again and an accompanying picture. they are great to laminate, cut out and send home or to use in class as revision aids.
Maths Homework SheetsQuick View

Maths Homework Sheets

A great, huge selection of worksheets covering most of the Year 3 Number and Calculation strand for Maths. Between 10 and 20 questions per sheet. Could also be used in class.
Vocabulary MatQuick View

Vocabulary Mat

A vocabulary mat split into adjectives, verbs, adverbs and conjunctions with examples of each underneath.