New GCSE English Language AQA Paper 2 Section A LessonsQuick View

New GCSE English Language AQA Paper 2 Section A Lessons

New GCSE English Language AQA Paper 2 Section A lesson ideas, with a 'Fighting for Freedom' theme.<br /> Texts are on PPT slides - copy, paste and print.<br /> Sources referenced.<br /> I'll add to this as I go - AO5 and AO6 to be embedded throughout, with non-fiction activities and writing skills to be covered at the end of each section.<br /> <br /> 'FightingTalk' - some slides have been edited.<br /> Feedback welcome.
A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat Edexcel iGCSE English Language A. MOCK + MARK SCHEMEQuick View

A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat Edexcel iGCSE English Language A. MOCK + MARK SCHEME

<p>A complete set of lessons to teach ‘A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat’ from the Edexcel Paper 1 Section A anthology for IGCSE English Language<br /> This resource includes:</p> <ul> <li>Guided analysis of the text</li> <li>Exam practice and exam advice for Edexcel IGCSE English Language Paper 1, Section A</li> <li>Differentiated activities</li> <li>Mock exam for Paper 1, Section A</li> <li>Mark scheme</li> <li>Model answer for AO2 (Question 4)<br /> I have covered the required ‘structure’ element in some depth as I find that this is an area where my students tend to be less confident.</li> </ul> <p>Please review my resource: i appreciate ALL feedback. Any suggestions for improvement or for further resources welcome.</p>