Buddhist Art Lesson 2Quick View

Buddhist Art Lesson 2

Lessons 2-4 explore each section of the Bhava Chakra (The Wheel of Life). Students will increase their knowledge of Buddhism ideas and beliefs in a creative way. In lesson 2 students focus on the 3 poisons at the centre of the wheel, the dark and light path and the 6 realms. They will explore key themes of dukkha (suffering), kamma and rebirth. They will explore how the realms can be understood literally and metaphorically. The lesson is on a powerpoint with extra comments/pointers in the notes section so don't forget to look there. Lesson 1 is on' How to read Buddha' and is available for free so that you can see the type of resources I prepare. If you like it then please add a positive review. Thanks.
Buddhist Art Lesson 4 Yama, Karma and Samsara.Quick View

Buddhist Art Lesson 4 Yama, Karma and Samsara.

In this lesson students bring their attention to the outer part of the wheel and we focus on Yama, Karma and Samsara. The lesson is creative and will have students reading, drawing, moving and reflecting. It is designed for a one hour lesson but my students got so into the discussions about rebirth that we spread this over two lessons. You might also want to set the story board task as homework. The resource comes with a powerpoint that contains teachers notes and the Yama story board task. This is the 4th lesson on Buddhist art. Following this lessons there is a revision and assessment pack.
Buddhist Art Lesson 3. The Bhava Charkra Part 2: The NidanasQuick View

Buddhist Art Lesson 3. The Bhava Charkra Part 2: The Nidanas

In this continuation of the study of the Buddhist Wheel of Life we focus on the 12 Nidanas or12 links of dependent origination. This is a complex idea in Buddhism and so the aim here is for students to focus on the metaphor of this links as chains that can trap us on the wheel of life. We make the metaphor more real by making chains out of card and labelling each one with a picture and description of each nidana. It is also a lesson in non-attachment as after all their hard work you encourage them to break the chains that they have just made. However, if you keep them they also make wonderful classroom displays; you can drape them around a picture of the Bhava Chakra. The resources include a Powerpoint with teacher notes, an information sheet and two versions of the labels to attach to the chains.
Buddhist Art lessons 5 and 6. Revise and Assess.Quick View

Buddhist Art lessons 5 and 6. Revise and Assess.

Having studied 3 Asanas and the Bhava Chakra students review and revise their learning. The revision lesson covers the main points and gives them a chance to clarify any misunderstandings. I was impressed with how much students could remember- including all twelve nidanas. The assessment is based on the Edexcel GCSE and I have included our grade boundaries as well. The assessment lesson does contain a powerpoint- I use the revision lesson again at the start of the assessment to quickly remind them of key points. My Year 9 has 40 minutes to complete the whole assessment. All students were able to access it. My high prior attainers did well with the part D question.
How to read Buddha. Lesson 1 of 5 on Buddhist Art.Quick View

How to read Buddha. Lesson 1 of 5 on Buddhist Art.

In this lesson students explore key themes of Buddhism through a study of three statues. Students learn the meaning of the asanas (poses) and the significance of these in Buddhist practise. We learn the significance of 'Calling the Earth to Witness', Abhaya and the importance of compassion and why meditation is central in Buddhism. The lesson is on a powerpoint that explains each pose and a supporting worksheet for students to complete as a reminder of their learning. I also have some fun with my students by encouraging them to try the asanas. This unit has been very popular with year 9 and it serves well as a foundation for further study at GCSE. There are teacher notes on delivery in the notes section of the powerpoint. This lesson is then followed by an in depth study of Bhava Chakra aka The Wheel of Life.