Jacobite Topic PlanningQuick View

Jacobite Topic Planning

<p>I created this resource as I could not find one online when I had been given the topic of the Jacobites. This resource outlines learning objectives, input and suggested activities and success criteria. At the end of the document, it also outlines interdisiplinary learning ideas linked to the topic.</p> <p>An additional idea not in the plan is for the children to dress up and create their own weapons and carry out a pretend battle. We did this and my class loved it.</p>
Second Level Holistic AssessmentQuick View

Second Level Holistic Assessment

<p>Adaptable Holistic Assessment that covers the following E’s and O’s:</p> <p>I can use my knowledge of rounding to routinely estimate the answer to a problem then, after calculating, decide if my answer is reasonable, sharing my solution with others. MNU 2-01a<br /> Having determined which calculations are needed, I can solve problems involving whole numbers using a range of methods, sharing my approaches and solutions with others. MNU 2-03a<br /> Having explored the patterns and relationships in multiplication and division, I can investigate and identify the multiples and factors of numbers. MTH 2-05a</p>
Harry Potter Whole School STEM WeekQuick View

Harry Potter Whole School STEM Week

<p>This resource provides STEM activities with the theme of Harry Potter. I created it for a whole school STEM week.</p> <p>What’s included:</p> <ul> <li>Suggested Timetables</li> <li>X9 sets of instructions which explain the STEM experiments/lessons</li> <li>Harry Potter Letter</li> <li>Harry Potter Labels</li> <li>Differentiated activities for First Level (KS1) and Second Level (KS2)</li> <li>Items List detailing what is required to carry out the experiments.</li> </ul> <p>The children at our school loved it and it was a great way of learning and having fun.</p>
Scottish Curriculum French ProgressionQuick View

Scottish Curriculum French Progression

<p>I created a French progression for our school using the Scottish experiences and outcomes and benchmarks. The progression is from Primary 1 - Primary 7, it gives topics for each term with Learning Intentions for these topics. All French e’s and o’s in the Scottish curriculum are included throughout the progression to ensure they are all met at some point across the stages.</p>
Reading Tracking Grids P1 - P7Quick View

Reading Tracking Grids P1 - P7

<p>I have created a tracking grid from Primary 1-7 to effectively track and assess the progress of the children. I have also included a supporting document which outlines how you could using the tracking document.</p>
Risks of SmokingQuick View

Risks of Smoking

<p>Attatched is a powerpoint for Primary children on the risks of smoking. It includes discussion points and activities.</p>
Leaf InvestigationQuick View

Leaf Investigation

<p>I created this Leaf Investigation activity for a Science lesson. It is a fun and active way of learning about trees and their leaves.</p>