Quick ViewHattieLawrenceC1.1 Mind map - atomic structure (12)Scaffolded mind map for reluctant revisers. Covers AQA Science A C1.1 Fundamental ideas. I have not included balancing equations as the resource is intended for foundation tier.
Quick ViewHattieLawrenceVariation investigation scaffolded write up (5)Worksheet to assist in writing up variation investigation.
Quick ViewHattieLawrenceAQA GCSE Trilogy equations practice sheets (0)Bronze, silver, gold and mastery worksheets where students have to complete varying degrees of missing information from the GCSE equations.
Quick ViewHattieLawrenceScaffolded experiment write up (1)Scaffolded worksheet to help lower ability students write up an investigation. Levels apply to APP.
Quick ViewHattieLawrenceAPP level descriptors student speak (0)I laminated these and put them on desks.