The Handmaids Tale PPTQuick View

The Handmaids Tale PPT

Excellent 31 slide PPT on Margaret Atwood's The Handmaids Tale. Covers all the information pupils need to know in order to understand the novel. Includes ideas for group activities on the novel.
A Christmas Carol Historical Background PPTQuick View

A Christmas Carol Historical Background PPT

Lovely 35 slide PPT on A Christmas Carol. It provides all the historical background and information on Victorian England that pupils need to know. Attractively designed and with lots of imagery and clear points.
Frankenstein Introduction PPTQuick View

Frankenstein Introduction PPT

Great 20 slide introductory PPT to Frankenstein. Provides pupils with plenty of background material on the novel as well as introducing the first chapters
The Great Gatsby and The Roaring Twenties PPTQuick View

The Great Gatsby and The Roaring Twenties PPT

Excellent 45 slide PPT on The Great Gatsby and The Roaring Twenties. Provides pupils with all the historical background they need in order to understand the novel. Plenty of images illustrate the material and clear points ensure understanding.
Poetry Terms PPTQuick View

Poetry Terms PPT

Excellent 71 slide PPT of Poetry Terms with definitions and explanations. Great for going through while introducing pupils to new poems and increasing their ability to write a commentary on a poem.
Power and Conflict Poems Annotated HandoutQuick View

Power and Conflict Poems Annotated Handout

Excellent 24 page revision aid for pupils or guide for teachers. 24 page handout with all poems in the unit carefully annotated and with notes for poetic devices and meaning. Helps demystify the poems and ensures excellent essay and short answer responses.
A Christmas Carol Introductory PPTQuick View

A Christmas Carol Introductory PPT

Lovely 23 slide PPT providing all the background information pupils need to know on Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Includes an exercise to check pupils' recall of the information in the PPT.
Communism PPTQuick View

Communism PPT

Excellent 111 slide PPT on Communism and its history. Plenty of graphics, maps and cuttings illustrate the many points.
Macbeth Full Scheme of Work PPTQuick View

Macbeth Full Scheme of Work PPT

Excellent 108 slide full scheme of work PPT on Macbeth. Each Act is covered using a different method and the PPT is fully adaptable. Contains everything pupils need to know about the play and ensures many interactive lessons.
The Rise of Hitler PPTQuick View

The Rise of Hitler PPT

Outstanding 135 slide PPT on The Rise of Hitler. Contains all the imformation pupils need to know complete with statistics, maps, images and key dates and presented in a lively way. Many lessons of material here.
The Treaty of Versailles PPTQuick View

The Treaty of Versailles PPT

Detailed 85 slide PPT on the Treaty of Versailles- from its origins to its consequences. Lots of detailed information here with plenty of images, maps and statistics to engage pupils.
Imperialism in Africa PPTQuick View

Imperialism in Africa PPT

Well designed 13 slide PPT on Imperialism in Africa. Plenty of graphics and points provide pupils with a lively introduction to the topic.
Of Mice and Men Background PPTQuick View

Of Mice and Men Background PPT

Lovely 22 slide PPT on the John Steinbeck novel Of Mice and Men. Provides pupils with the key background information they need to understand before starting the novel- author, themes, symbols, historical background and characters. Contains plenty of visuals to stimulate pupil interest.
World War 1 in EuropeQuick View

World War 1 in Europe

Outstanding 129 slide PPT on World War 1 in Europe full of images, maps, sources and detailed event by event information on World War 1. Contains a set of notes for pupils to retain.