Rounding Year 6Quick View

Rounding Year 6

(L.O) To be able to round numbers. PP with steps/rules Worksheets with differentiated questions AfL challenge for plenary.
Active and Passive Voice Year 6Quick View

Active and Passive Voice Year 6

Active and passive voice lesson for Y6. Word class games as a starter. Then identifying subject, object and verb using the sentences. This then feeds into the active and passive voice where i used the book ‘I didn’t do my homework because…’. Read the book as a class, then children came up with their own excuses for not completing their homework. PP is of each page of the book so children can read it with you, sheet for children writing and drawing their own excuses and AfL challenges which uses SATs questions on S, V and O as well as active and passive voice.
Addition Year 6Quick View

Addition Year 6

(L.O) To be able to add. Success Criteria breaking down the steps for addition Sums for each step PP for word problems Plenary challenge using reasoning and problem solving skills.
Division Practice Questions Year 6Quick View

Division Practice Questions Year 6

LO: To be able to divide. Worksheet with many questions that break down the steps of division. This gives children the opportunity to practice short and long division in their books.
Finding Fractions of ShapesQuick View

Finding Fractions of Shapes

Task sheets that stagger the process of finding fractions of shapes. Along with an AfL challenge that is a sample SAT question. This lesson was planned for Year 6 children, although could be used for Year 5.
Y2 Common Exception Words DictationQuick View

Y2 Common Exception Words Dictation

A dinosaur story created by me to be read to your class as a dictation exercise. The story includes all of the Y2 common exception words. The adult would read the story first, then again where the children would fill in the blanks with the CEW read to them.
Properties of numbers Year 6Quick View

Properties of numbers Year 6

LO: To understand properties of numbers. Year 6 Focuses on multiples, factors, prime numbers and squared and cubed numbers. Plenary challenge - this is something I do at the end of the lesson, or as a starter the following day to recap on previous learning.
Investigation Lesson - ShadowsQuick View

Investigation Lesson - Shadows

LO: To carry out an investigation A detailed investigation lesson around shadows. Starter developing vocabulary. Vocabulary of an investigation for children to put in order. PP for each step working through together as a class.
AdverbialsQuick View


Resources for arranging adverbs of time, manner and place and then using them within their writing. WW2 themed.
Multiplication Whole Lesson ResourcesQuick View

Multiplication Whole Lesson Resources

LO: To be able to multiply. Year 6 Quiz Quiz Trade cards for a starter. Success criteria Question cards for practice work. Times table trail resources and answer sheet for LA children PP on smartboard.
Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1000.Quick View

Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1000.

Starter: Not on here but to use a visual and practical element. Children to be the digits moving. 3 worksheets for 10, 100 and 1000. Sheets have a prompt box. AfL challenge sheet for Plenary Children to also have a place value mat to practice moving the digits.
Place Value Year 6Quick View

Place Value Year 6

(L.O) To understand the value of whole numbers. Starter sheet focusing on being able to write numbers in their written form and numerical form. PP on place value. Flashcards - different colours for different steps. Plenary cards - colours match the flashcards. Prompt card to aid spelling.
Subtraction Y6Quick View

Subtraction Y6

(L.O) To be able to subtract Subtraction resources and success criteria. LA resource using numicon. Sheet with calculations which match the success criteria Plenary challenge using a variety of problem solving and reasoning skills.