Rounding Year 6Quick View

Rounding Year 6

(L.O) To be able to round numbers. <br /> <br /> PP with steps/rules<br /> Worksheets with differentiated questions<br /> AfL challenge for plenary.
Active and Passive Voice Year 6Quick View

Active and Passive Voice Year 6

<p>Active and passive voice lesson for Y6.</p> <p>Word class games as a starter.</p> <p>Then identifying subject, object and verb using the sentences.</p> <p>This then feeds into the active and passive voice where i used the book ‘I didn’t do my homework because…’. Read the book as a class, then children came up with their own excuses for not completing their homework.</p> <p>PP is of each page of the book so children can read it with you, sheet for children writing and drawing their own excuses and AfL challenges which uses SATs questions on S, V and O as well as active and passive voice.</p>
Addition Year 6Quick View

Addition Year 6

(L.O) To be able to add.<br /> <br /> Success Criteria breaking down the steps for addition<br /> Sums for each step<br /> PP for word problems<br /> Plenary challenge using reasoning and problem solving skills.
Division Practice Questions Year 6Quick View

Division Practice Questions Year 6

LO: To be able to divide. <br /> <br /> Worksheet with many questions that break down the steps of division. <br /> This gives children the opportunity to practice short and long division in their books.
Multiplication Whole Lesson ResourcesQuick View

Multiplication Whole Lesson Resources

LO: To be able to multiply. <br /> Year 6<br /> <br /> Quiz Quiz Trade cards for a starter.<br /> Success criteria<br /> Question cards for practice work.<br /> Times table trail resources and answer sheet for LA children<br /> PP on smartboard.
Finding Fractions of ShapesQuick View

Finding Fractions of Shapes

Task sheets that stagger the process of finding fractions of shapes. <br /> Along with an AfL challenge that is a sample SAT question. <br /> <br /> This lesson was planned for Year 6 children, although could be used for Year 5.
Y2 Common Exception Words DictationQuick View

Y2 Common Exception Words Dictation

<p>A dinosaur story created by me to be read to your class as a dictation exercise. The story includes all of the Y2 common exception words.</p> <p>The adult would read the story first, then again where the children would fill in the blanks with the CEW read to them.</p>
Properties of numbers Year 6Quick View

Properties of numbers Year 6

LO: To understand properties of numbers. <br /> Year 6<br /> Focuses on multiples, factors, prime numbers and squared and cubed numbers. <br /> Plenary challenge - this is something I do at the end of the lesson, or as a starter the following day to recap on previous learning.
Investigation Lesson - ShadowsQuick View

Investigation Lesson - Shadows

LO: To carry out an investigation<br /> <br /> A detailed investigation lesson around shadows. <br /> <br /> Starter developing vocabulary.<br /> Vocabulary of an investigation for children to put in order.<br /> PP for each step working through together as a class.
AdverbialsQuick View


<p>Resources for arranging adverbs of time, manner and place and then using them within their writing.<br /> WW2 themed.</p>
Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1000.Quick View

Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1000.

Starter: Not on here but to use a visual and practical element. Children to be the digits moving. <br /> <br /> 3 worksheets for 10, 100 and 1000. Sheets have a prompt box.<br /> AfL challenge sheet for Plenary<br /> <br /> Children to also have a place value mat to practice moving the digits.
Place Value Year 6Quick View

Place Value Year 6

(L.O) To understand the value of whole numbers. <br /> <br /> Starter sheet focusing on being able to write numbers in their written form and numerical form.<br /> PP on place value.<br /> Flashcards - different colours for different steps.<br /> Plenary cards - colours match the flashcards.<br /> Prompt card to aid spelling.
Subtraction Y6Quick View

Subtraction Y6

(L.O) To be able to subtract <br /> <br /> Subtraction resources and success criteria.<br /> LA resource using numicon.<br /> Sheet with calculations which match the success criteria<br /> Plenary challenge using a variety of problem solving and reasoning skills.