It is important to personalize an informal letter. When the reader reads your letter, they should feel like you know this friend of yours very well. You can show this by writing sentences that show how well you know your friend and by including other personal details about them or you.
These are idioms that could be used in any informal letter for E2L students. They are simple and easy to understand. You will find the meaning of the idiom and how it is used in a sentence.
A detailed and step by step explanation of how to write an opinion article. This is especially useful for students doing English as a Second Language, core tier.<br />
In this you will find all the things that should be included in the paragraphs with examples.
Here are the things students need to keep in mind when doing note taking exercises. This is useful for students doing IGCSE English as a Second Language.
Sentence structure is important in your informal letter. Nobody wants to read the same types of sentences all the time. Therefore, your letter should have different types of sentences that would grab the reader’s attention. Using different sentence structures will also show that you are a competent user of the language.
Many students find it difficult to find other ways to say that something is easy. These notes will provide a way to tackle that. This is for students of all grades.
Here are somethings students need to keep in mind when answering comprehension questions. These are useful for all students, especially students of English as a Second Language
When writing sentences using did or didn’t followed by a main verb, many students make mistakes. When you use did or didn’t + VERB in a sentence, there is no need to make the verb in the sentence to past tense. It should be in present tense.