KS3 assessment spreadsheetQuick View

KS3 assessment spreadsheet

This tool allows you to input grades for all KS3 across a variety of sports. Each cell will automatically colour code itself dependent on if the student is under (red)/on (orange)/above (green) the expected grade for their year group. The expected grades that have been used for formatting can be seen in the images I have attached. The spreadsheet will then calculate an average grade at the end of the year based upon all assessed sports - again resulting in a colour coded cell. Sport options can be added/removed/adjusted. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you.
AQA A Level Year 1 Anat & PhysQuick View

AQA A Level Year 1 Anat & Phys

<p>Cardiovascular System<br /> Respiratory System<br /> Musculoskeletal System<br /> Neuromuscular System</p> <p>Included for each chapter within the Anatomy and Physiology unit of Year 1 AQA A Level:</p> <p>PPT with all the textbook/spec information - including LO’s, group/individual tasks, homework tasks.</p> <p>Chapter overview sheet - given to students at the beginning of each chapter. Includes all the LO’s for the chapter which they self-assess against throughout the chapter.</p> <p>Chapter Summary sheet - I print these on different coloured paper and get the students to use them as chapter dividers - includes either all keywords or practice questions,</p> <p>Would really appreciate any reviews!</p>
AQA A Level 15 mark feedback sheetQuick View

AQA A Level 15 mark feedback sheet

<p>An easy to read feedback sheet for students, allowing them to see where their strengths and weaknesses lie when answering a 15 mark question. AO1, AO2 and AO3’s can be highlighted to signify relevant banding and then a best fit model can be used to award them their final mark.</p> <p>Space for a WWW comment on the first page as well as an area for them to address their areas for improvement, with the question mark scheme, on the second page.</p>
Assesment BookletQuick View

Assesment Booklet

peer/self assessment tool. target setting. Lesson by lesson content. Feel free to add suggestions for improvement
AS PE Edexcel coursework and exam predictor grade toolQuick View

AS PE Edexcel coursework and exam predictor grade tool

I have created (or tried to) a spreadsheet that allows you to enter student marks for all elements of Year 12 coursework, plus their mock results. This will give them a raw mark and predicted grade for each unit, based on 2014-2015 UMS. It will then give them an overall predicted grade, as well as separate columns to detail what % they will need in their written exam to achieve either a C, B or A grade; based on their coursework totals!!<br /> <br /> Please do let me know if it works for you!!!