Quick ViewHistoryTeacher174Complete lesson looking at the impact of the NHS (0)<p>Lesson looking at the beginning of the NHS, issues facing its establishment and how society in Britain felt. Could be two lessons!</p>
Quick ViewHistoryTeacher174Lesson looking into what a privateer was (0)<p>Lesson complete with resources looking at what a privateer was and its ties to pirating and the age of exploration.</p>
Quick ViewHistoryTeacher174Peaceful Protests as part of the Civil Rights Movement (0)<p>Peaceful Protests lesson looking at Sit In’s and Freedom Rides. Complete with worksheet</p>
Quick ViewHistoryTeacher174Weapons in the Batlle of Hastings (0)<p>Complete lesson looking at the Battle of Hastings.</p>
Quick ViewHistoryTeacher174Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam. GCSE Edexcel Cold War (0)<p>This is a complete lesson on Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam.</p> <p>It is interactive and complete with information resources.</p>
Quick ViewHistoryTeacher174Nazi Propaganda- The complete lesson (0)<p>This lesson details the propaganda the Nazi’s used and how effective it was. This also includes all resources and sourced based work.</p>