<p>A booklet collating all the Sentence Builder for Modul1 (Diviertite) and Modul 2 (Viajes) from the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Higher Book.<br />
Fully editable</p>
<p>A series of 2 lessons based on Mod 1-Unit 3 from Dynamo 3 vert, but easy to adapt. The lessons aim to instoduce the perfec tense and allow students to describe what they did during their celebrations.</p>
<p>Activities included:<br />
Mini whiteboard translation<br />
Mind reader<br />
Battleship<br />
Listening<br />
Grammar explanations<br />
traffic lights translation<br />
sentence bingo<br />
retrivial practice<br />
do now and plenary</p>
<p>4 PowerPoints to practice school facilities, likes and dislikes and reasons.</p>
<p>Module follows Viva textbook. Lessons planned for Y8 classes, but easily adaptable. Each PowerPoint follows Conti style activities** IT IS EDITABLE:**</p>
<p>Vocabulary<br />
What is missing? Game<br />
match the word with the picture<br />
Sentence builder<br />
Read my mind<br />
Mind reader<br />
Listen and fill the gaps<br />
Sentence chaos<br />
delayed translation<br />
gapped translation<br />
Find someone who with cards.<br />
Running translation<br />
catch it swap it<br />
Mosaic translation</p>
<p>This resource is aimed for Y7 French Students. The main point is memorizing the French colours in order to get the right pronounciation . IT IS EDITABLE<br />
It includes:<br />
-flashcards for each color,<br />
-Splat,<br />
-label the color activity,<br />
-Mind reader</p>
<li>a listening activity coming from Dynamo 1.</li>
<p>8 complete lessons including 1 Sentence Builder per module and audio on the topic of free time following Gianfranco Conti’s and Dylan Viñales’ research-based idea and learning activities. Especially aimed at teachers covering Module 2 from the VIVA 1 book.</p>
<p>A series of lessons on the topic of <strong>FESTIVAL</strong> covering the content from **Module 2 from the Dynamo 2 vert book. Lessons are EDITABLE and follow some activities of the Conti method</p>
<p>Lessons include activities such as:</p>
<p>**Listen and fill the table/gaps (recording are attached to the slides)<br />
**Mind reader<br />
**Sentence Builder used as scaffolding during dictation<br />
**gapped translation<br />
** Listening Slalom<br />
**sentence stealer<br />
**delayed translation</p>
<p>This series of <strong>3 lessons</strong> is to practice body parts and pains. It has different Conti style activities IT IS EDITABLE<br />
Vocabulary<br />
sentence builder<br />
match the word with the picture<br />
Listen and tick the word I say<br />
Sentence stealer<br />
Read my mind<br />
Faulty echo<br />
Sentence bingo<br />
Break the flow<br />
Tick or cross<br />
Narrow reading<br />
Write sentences following the pictures<br />
Guided writing</p>
<p>a bundle of sentence builder regarding GCSE Spanish topics. The vocabulary is taken from both AQA GCSE Spanish and Edexcel Spanish Higher<br />
topic: mi casa/ voluntario/ vida sana/el medio ambiente/ vacaciones</p>
<p>a full set of lessons based on Dyamo 1 book Module 4 Ma famille.</p>
<p>A series of 4 lessons all containing a sentence builder and all playing around activities on the topic of Family following Gianfranco Conti’s and Dylan Viñales’ research-based idea.</p>
<p>Moreover, all the listening tasks have audios attached to the slide.</p>
<p><strong>Activities included:</strong><br />
Sentence Builer<br />
mind reader<br />
Listen and fill the gaps<br />
Matching up<br />
Narrow reading<br />
delayed repetition<br />
Faulty echo<br />
reordering dictation</p>
<p>Please, if you found the resource useful, I’d really appreciate if you could rate it and leave a comment! Merci :)</p>
<p>a sequence of lessons on the topic of holidays following Gianfranco Conti’s research-based idea and learning activities. The activities follow Module 1 from Dynamo 2 vert book. Each unit focuses on a particular sentence builder, with vocabulary recycling further on. the lessons are aimed to a very low set Y8, but easily adaptable. Some idea and activities are taken from other teachers on Twitter.</p>
<p>a sequence of lessons on the topic of Sport following Gianfranco Conti’s research-based idea and learning activities. The activities follow Module 5 from Dynamo 2 vert book- le sport en direct. Each unit focuses on a particular sentence builder, with vocabulary recycling further on. the lessons are aimed to a very low set Y8, but easily adaptable. Some idea and activities are taken from other teachers on Twitter.</p>
<p>a full set of lessons based on Dyamo 1 book. Each Unit has a sentence builders and plays around activities on the topic of free time following Gianfranco Conti’s and Dylan Viñales’ research-based idea and learning activities. Moreover, all the listening tasks have audios attached to the slide.</p>
<p>Please, if you found the resource useful, I’d really appreciate if you could rate it and leave a comment! Merci :)</p>
<p>a sequence of lessons following Gianfranco Conti’s research-based idea and learning activities. The activities follow Module 4 from Dynamo 2 vert book. the lessons are designed for a very low set, but they are easily adapted.<br />
Each unit focuses on a particular sentence builder, with vocabulary recycling further on. Some idea and activities are taken from other teachers on Twitter.<br />
All the recording used are also embedded in the PowerPoint</p>
<p>a sequence of lessons on the topic of ‘the use of technology’ aimed to a Y9 class. All the lessons have a sentence builder and follow Gianfranco Conti’s research-based idea and learning activities.</p>
<p>the lessons are diveded in <strong>3 modules</strong>:<br />
-the use of mobile phone (present tense)<br />
-likes and dislikes about cinema and movies (future tense)<br />
-what i did yesterday (past tense)</p>
<p>Different Conti style activities included and <strong>EDITABLE</strong> are:</p>
<p>Vocabulary<br />
What is missing? Game<br />
match the word with the picture<br />
Sentence builder<br />
Listen and tick the word I say<br />
sentence Bingo<br />
Mind reader<br />
Sentence bingo<br />
Faulty echo<br />
Break the flow<br />
Narrow reading</p>
<p>Some ideas and activities are taken from other teachers on Twitter.</p>
<p>a sequence of lessons on the topic of holidays following Gianfranco Conti’s research-based idea and learning activities. The activities follow Module 1 from Viva 2 book. Each unit focuses on a particular sentence builder, with vocabulary recycling further on. Some idea and activities are taken from other teachers on Twitter.</p>
<p>It’s the first material that I upload to TES, I’d really appreciate it if you could rate the resource/leave a comment! Gracias</p>
<p>A collection of Spanish Sentence builders based on AQA but easily adaptable. the booklet conteins SB for the following Units:</p>
<p>Unit 1-me, my family and friends<br />
Unit 2-technology in everyday life<br />
Unit 3- free time activity<br />
Unit 4-Custom and festivals</p>
<p>and a SB to describe a photocard</p>
<p>If you found the resource useful, I’d really appreciate if you could rate it and leave a comment! Gracias :)</p>
<p>a set of lessons on the topic of technology and free time following Gianfranco Conti’s and Dylan Viñales’ research-based idea and learning activities. Especially aimed at teachers covering Module 2 from the VIVA 2 book.<br />
Each set lessons is equipped with Sentece Builfers to facilitate the learning and with vocabulary recycling further on. I have also included the listenings , and a authentic video linked to activities.</p>
<p>It’s the first material that I upload to TES, I’d really appreciate it if you could rate the resource/leave a comment! Gracias :)</p>
<p>Sentence Builders per unit on the topic of family and friends following Gianfranco Conti’s and Dylan Viñales’ research-based idea and learning activities. Especially aimed at teachers covering Module 4 from the VIVA 1 book. Each set of lessons focuses on a particular sentence builder, with vocabulary recycling further on.</p>
<p>I’d really appreciate it if you could rate the resource/leave a comment! Gracias :)</p>