<p>This worksheet was designed for students to practise using a thesaurus, a dictionary and vocabulary learnt in English. The objective is to assess how well they can spell, use English vocabulary and synonyms and write in their neatest handwriting. By means of simple sentences it can be used with children of many ages from about 7 to 14 and is an excellent way to assess their progress.</p>
<p>A worksheet designed for children of year 5 and above to practice division using the Bus Stop Method and then test their class mates with their own sum.</p>
<p>This worksheet was designed to help students learn about a balanced diet, nutrition and the discovery of Vitamin C.<br />
The objective is for KS3 students to revise the above and the curriculum can be taken from the ‘Letts’ science text book Revise KS3 section 2.3.<br />
The BBC Bitesize video clips were also used in my lessons if you go to: BBC Bitesize - KS3 /Science /Biology /Nutrition, digestion and excretion class clips.</p>
<p>I have designed these worksheets to practice the 6, 7 and 8 times tables which are vital in all areas of maths and tend to be the ones most forgotten and hardest to learn.</p>
<p>This worksheet is designed to test spellings and understanding of words by incorporating into sentences and phrases.</p>
<p>The spellings are then further used as a basis to test the students understanding with synonyms.</p>